Chapter 10

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No one says her name anymore. They feel empty inside.

No one speaks about her. They worthless and distraught.

No one smiles if anything related to her is brought up. Many spend their time in anger, while others sad.

No one tries to make anyone else feel better. When helping someone, they get dragged down into despair as well.

No one cares about anything anymore.

People are mad that she is gone, but not because they care, it is because she was their chance at freedom and safety. It has been two months since the incident. Even though five people still reside in the house, it feels empty, abandoned. There is no sound and no life. Any trace of ever having a sixth person living within the walls is her room, but even there she seems to have vanished.

Randomly, someone will see Luka lock himself in her room. At first, no one thought anything when they found him asleep in her bed. They were more shocked to see the ripped wallpaper and the words written on the walls. There were even designs that were supposedly readable but know one knew their meaning. Then, things began to progress and now we can hear his cries, but no one mentions it. We all feel the same was as he is and to bring it up only caused more emotion than what was needed.

School carried on like normal; although, students seemed to have forgotten her existence. Teachers have eradicated her being in the classes, on the role calls, and even in the building. The rumors and accusations have ceased as they were living in fear of Parker. No one was there to protect them and make them feel needed. Parker has become the head of the student body. Lessons continued as if nothing changed. While they refuse to acknowledge the truth, everyone knows that everything has changed. They even remember her.

That night when the man with the green eyes appeared, Luka lost himself. He, along with the others, traced every inch of this town leaving no stone unturned. To no avail, we ventured off to the edge of the border, but even then there was nothing. Mira, Alexei, and I continued searching, which has dropped our grades and left us in a state of fatigue. However, none of us really care. We would do anything to find her again. Luka and Lucien have kept to themselves trying to decide some plan to get her back, but we know it's useless.

Hope, it was a childish belief. However, it was the only thing that was keeping us from believing the worse and from giving up. We all knew she was strong and that she was out there somewhere. The question is, where?

We will find you.


When I first arrived in this run down building, my body was weak and still adjusting. Now, they have to restrain me with silver constantly. For a week I was left to hang facing the corner. The only way I knew that the days passed was by the light coming and fading. Silently, I counted in my head the time. I numbered off each second that passed.

No one brought food or water in the first three days and I started to pay the price. I could feel the acid in my stomach start to erode the lining. However, when I was dangling from exhaustion and my wrists were screaming, Ryan was sent to feed me. It wasn't much, but anything was better than nothing. Then, after they released me from my hanging imprisonment, I was placed in the cell with the girl that I saw when I first came.

Over time, I learned that she had lost her family to the green eyed man whose name I still did not know. Much like me, her little village was destroyed. He had her watch the buildings crumble to the ground and her family vanish without her. The only difference was that I knew mine were dead; whereas, hers could be anywhere.

She had long beautiful brown hair that curled at the ends. To match, she had golden eyes that brightened with her mood. Her name was Casey and just like myself, she was a wolf. However, she said that being here with this man for three years has caused her to lose her hope in others. Again and again, victims of this man told her that they would escape and be free. However, that was not the case. Those who escaped never came back for her and the others that tried, they died.

She was here by herself for long periods of time throughout the day since Ryan was forced to bring me to the green-eyed man. He seemed to enjoy entertainment out of punishment. Half the time, I never did anything to disobey. I came to loath the people here.

Hope was such a silly words that had no meaning. It was a mindless distraction that was said to keep people sane. People believed that hope would set them free and they could find happiness. I thought different. People only needed a distraction because they were not strong enough to fight back.

Knowing how long she has been here with these men and what she has done to survive here, I knew it was way overdue for her to have a taste of freedom. I promised Casey that she would not be left here for long and that was a promise I was not going to break. Now to set a plan in action and things can get interesting.



By now, you have probably realized that I have been going through and editing all of the chapters due to the #'s. Well, I am hoping that they turn out better now that I have been doing this. I don't have them all done, but I am working on it and my goal is to have at least one thousand or more words in each chapter. Happy reading.

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