Chapter 22

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The definition of beauty is: a combination of qualities, such as: shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. What is beauty? It is a bit like someone giving you a gift and the appreciation it receives. The idea is not specifically the present itself, but the thought. While an appearance may be breath taking, do not be deceived. A rose has its thorns. The danger behind the beauty lies within everything.

"I said to leave." The voice again. The sound was familiar. It was one that I listened to for many years. A sound so strong; yet, relaxing at the same time. It resonated behind me, but turning around only left me baffled. The beauty that delivered the words was just as beautiful as the day we met. There was one difference, these words held fear. They were not the same as they used to be. This time, I would be the one to save and comfort.


The source that began my pain is back, but I cannot harness the feeling. I tried to move, but it just left my body sore and weak. Something was different this time. The voice only wanted my body. Somewhere else there was another voice. It was one that I knew well and came to love, but now it is disturbing my welcoming silence. I want the emptiness back. All I have done is sit and watch, but I am drained of energy. I cannot do anything, if I do then the darkness will get angry again. I must sit and watch like a good child. I cannot let the dark take me back.

There was a new voice that dominated the silence that I loved. This one was shouting as though the voice had one desire, but the words held no meaning. Everything that was being said was empty and pointless. However, they were enough to pound against my head one after another. I just wanted to escape this hell but I was forever destined of a doomed life.

Hush child. I won't let them near. The voice was still here. The voice was still by my side and comforting me. However, the acknowledgement alone was enough to release my tensed bones so that they could jell out.


The shouting was still there and it was getting louder. I do not know any of the words, but they seem so familiar. Why can I not just silence so I can rest. I am so tired.


Over the course of time, the silence swarmed in and erased everything from my hearing. However, it was already too late. My mind was consumed by the familiar sounds, but it could not process their meaning or even their existence. Though, I was going mad with the driven need to remember the loud echoes. Then, as if someone unlocked a gate holding everything away from me, I was flooded. One after another the memories returned and devoured my mind.

I died. Everything was no longer vague and gone. It was all so overwhelming.

"Ariyah!" My name. They have been calling for a while now. It was a wonder of how much time had really passed, but the idea that there was still an effort comforted me.

"I hear you!" I shouted back. Raising my hands, I reached up to the sky trying to grasp some form of escape.

"Don't stop fighting. Find a way." It was weird to hear him shouting out encouraging words, but at the moment, I was not going to reject any contact from the outside world. "Don't die on me now. No one else can do this. I know you don't want to fight, but we need you."

The word fight froze me solid. It left me questioning whether I wanted to return back to a world so cruel. "Wake up. I know you have been alone, but I am here. You don't need to be afraid anymore."

Wake up? I am awake.

"You must not give up."

My body won't move.

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