Chapter 7

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Ariyah laid on the bed with a steady rising and sinking motion that revealed her even breathing. At the beginning of the fight between her and Parker, I had called Luka expecting the worse to happen. Only, it was far different than what I had inquired. In the beginning, it was petty arguments so I thought nothing of the situation. There was a part of me that wanted to help her out, but then there was still the part that wanted revenge for what she put me through. It was exciting me to see that someone had knocked her off of her feet, but everything changed in a matter of minutes. Parker had lost control of who was and began to ravage in his conquest of dominating her. Yet, no matter how much pain he threw at her, she fought and fought and I was amazed by her strength. Even at times when she seemed distracted, she pulled through.

When I called Luka, he immediately set course for the high school. On the way, he placed me on speaker phone and demanded to know the details of what was happening. Describing every little detail that was playing out before my eyes, I soon picked up on him mumbling in the background. I was incoherent to his word just as she became incoherent to the world, but after a string of cuss words flew free, my thoughts were sent on a rollercoaster.

When I was younger, Luka had found me near death in the snow. I didn't really care anymore as to what would happen to me. It was easier to accept than to face the harsh reality of life. Nowhere in my thoughts did I believe that I was going to be taken care of and provided for by a family. They all had their issues as did I, but each accepted another; including my damaged self. The first night that I had arrived, Ariyah was the one assigned to me. She cleansed my body of the wretched smells and disgusting sights. Never once did she question my poor attitude and rude behavior towards her or even the marks on my body. Day in and out I would spit out harsh words and shove her away; yet, she continued to return regardless of how confused or the pain I made her encounter.

To me, life was strange and pointless for the first few years that I had become a member of the house. During that time, I was also cruel and behaved in a childish manner. I wanted to be better than Ariyah and prove that I was not some boy who was abandoned. To her, I was one of the worst companions she could have possibly had. Any time that I came within sight of her, I would glare and speak horrid words. Some words were too foul for a child's mouth to befriend, but I rebelled. When she touched me, I would smack her away. Yet, throughout every moment that I turned on her, she was never one to be hateful. This was the one person who I despised, and she was the only one who wanted anything to do with me.

When I turned ten, I found out information about Ariyah that even herself did not know. She knew nothing about what happened to her or how she came to be. They even said that she only remembered one thing. She was wearing a scarf and holding a fifteen year old boy's hand as they walked through the snow with him leading the way. It was dark outside and all around them were dark red eyes, observing. The only other thing she knew was that he stopped and turned to her. This time, he was like the others. Dark red eyes bore into her, freezing her motionless as he reached for her shoulders. Talons ripped apart her arms as he strangled to control himself. To imagine facing such an experience and not knowing what happened afterwards. She was practically a shell with no memories.

All she would do is help anyone in need, regardless if they were appreciative or not. Ariyah was kind and caring; somewhere in the years she changed. Her attitude became cruel and lonesome. The people that once began to accept her started to reject her. She was pushing away anyone near her. I never understood why.

When I obtained that information,I realized that she might have truly been innocent, but I didn't want to believe it. Believing Ariyah was not an enemy, would mean that I was okay with what had happened. It was those despicable creatures that killed my mother and father. It was them that ripped my brothers' heart out before my eyes. Yet, while she was one of the mutts, I had a strange urge to connect with her. There was something more than a mutt about her.

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