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It was over and everything worked out for the best. I had managed to achieve my goal of making the world safer for those who deserved it. I could watch the children grow up with smiles and laughter. I could watch as they led the future of our home somewhere that people would enjoy.

At first, it was hard for me to surrender myself. It began after Satan's form was swallowed whole by the cracked ground that we walked on. Then, Zeus and the others came down to get me. Everyone could see them this time, but there was something about this visit that everyone was left with a shattered misery.

With crippled anger, I walked over to them and bowed to show my respect. This was the moment that they were speaking of and I knew that I had to go with them in order to keep the balance that I had been able to restore. Yet, there was remorse and sorrow that I could not defeat. Behind me were the people that I had to lose. They were the ones that I had to give my life for so that they could have a future. Even if that means they would forget me.

"Get away from her." Deamon's voice rang through the crowds and for once I did not feel alone. There was not a stranger's footstep to cross my path. For once there was something in me that opened my eyes. I did not want to be afraid, but I also did not want to cry out for help. Most of all, I did not want to die inside and feel numb.

"It is time for her to go. She completed the duties she was sent her to serve. If you were wise, then you would turn around and leave as though nothing happened here." As he spoke, he held no authority, but I watched as some of the people did exactly what he was telling them to. I knew not to expect them to stay and fight for me as I did for them, but still, it made me drip tears that were sore. Then, something came over me and I stopped all forms of sadness. Perhaps, if I showed no tears then I would not hurt.

This time, Deamon's words were covered in something I could not describe. He stepped closer to us as some other people followed suit. He was not giving into the wishes of the Gods and this made some of them angry, while others were intrigued. "I won't leave."

This caused a bickering. "No problem, you won't remember once she is gone anyways." Zeus turned his head to face me. Something was different in his eyes, but I could not figure it out. "Are you ready?" I nodded my head and faced everyone for the last time.

"When our eyes meet, I know you will see me but not remember me." I smiled as we began to fade. "I will protect you forever." With that said, I was gone and they were nowhere in sight.


"Congratulations my dear, you were the first to uphold your side of the bargain." I just kept my mouth shut and followed them. We walked for what felt like ages, but I really could not complain. Their home was one of the most beautiful places I had ever known. "Athena will take you to your room and get you situated to live among us."

That was when I turned my head to truly look at him. "To live with you? But this is the realm of the Gods." I stated fully aware that they know where we were. This caused some of them to laugh and others to just smile.

"You upheld your side truthfully and did not once fight us." He came closer to me and placed a kiss on my forehead again. "You were born as one of us, but when before we could collect you, the filthy world down below contaminated you." The same relaxing sensation occurred as the last time he kissed my forehead. "Welcome home."

5 Years Later


The final battle was one no one could forget. It is like a movie stuck on replay over and over again in my head. It was the fifth anniversary of when Ariyah saved our world. It was strange because when all of it happened, everyone who was there has forgotten about it. Then, slowly we began to remember again. We celebrate her life and her bravery. We celebrate everything she has done for us and gave us. All in all, we give thanks to her life. If it were not for Ariyah, we would all be lost or dead. She gave us a future to look forward to. Earlier this morning, I bought a dozen flowers to give to her. We never see her anymore, but on this day, we make it a holiday. Her grave is our source of peace.

"Quick, get a doctor." I shouted at whoever was listening. Looking down at Ariyah, I held her close. "It is okay. We will get you some help and you will be as good as new."

"It is alright. I knew it would end like this."

"Then why fight? Why are you so persistent on leaving?"

She smiled up at me and pressed her hand against my cheek. Leaning against her hand, I felt her thumb stroke my cheek. Instantly, I knew she was wiping my own tears. "I made a deal and I must keep it."

"Stop talking like that. You are not going anywhere. Where is the damn medic?"

"It is okay. I have to go."

"I can't lose you."

"I'll always be with you. You may not always see me, but I will always walk hand in hand with you."

"I need you."

"Stay strong."

"I can't lose the only person I have every loved."

"One day, you will understand the deal."

"Please Ariyah, no."

"I love you."

"Don't you do it."


I watched her walk away from me to the Gods. The only thing keeping her with me was the connection of our hands. However, even then we were separated. "No!"*

Looking at the river that flows by her grave, you can see nothing but life. The water just rages on for eternity with nothing but tranquility. It is a memory of how gentle and caring she was, but strong and fierce. Almost like an epic never ending battle that consumed the Earth. She will be as eternal in this town as the strength everyone holds to fight for what they believe in. A statue of remembrance for those who doubt they can be anything. No one has ever seen her since that day, but I know that she is always walking by my side holding my hand at the end of the day.


So this is the end. Every chapter is edited and has at least 1,000 or more words. I hope you have enjoyed this book and thank you for being dedicated to read through the entire thing.


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