Chapter 21

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Have you ever been so alive and free one moment, only to get knocked down and forgotten the next? It only took a moment for my world to spiral out of control and land in an oblivion that ceased to exist. You think that life is some disease that everyone receives, which leaves you taking it for granted. When the truth is that it is actually a gift. A person has days, months, and even years to live; however, each day is a new day, so live it as if it is your last. In doing so, you won't leave behind any regrets. That is the ideal saying but who would not want to live the way they dream compared to the slavery that is transpiring across the globe? Weak were abiding to the rules of the strong.

It began when I was running. I do not recall why I was rushing, but I felt the urge that I would be too late if I did not hasten my actions. Somewhere deep inside I was aching as time froze. The last thing I remembered was a heavy force directed by a beautiful light heaving my body towards the ground as it slammed into my chest. It took a mere second for the pain to make a nest within my chest and conceive offspring throughout my entire body. The dominating force had me wishing that my body would activate the dopamine from what little adrenaline I had scrounged up. Yet, my breathing was restricted to a bare minimum due to the suffocating pressure. My knowledge was enough to inform me that my cells were slowly shutting down and the slight coloration would soon override.

Instinctively, I got the urge to escape. Whatever was happening made me feel like prey that was caged away. My wrist shook as something pierced through the skin wanting to make me scream. As if a pathogen had entered, it was swallowing me inch by inch trying to contaminate a host. There was a flutter of heat that soothed my chilled bones with gentle kisses. Soon I was left with an image of dancing with flames. When you befriend fire, you get burned. That was exactly what happened, Ariyah was my fire and I was burned. All words faded and every sight slowed. The world I grew up with stopped spinning for me.


An eerie feeling of being watched ignited shivers to trickle down my spine as I glanced around nervously. Panic left me vulnerable to being penetrated by what was unwanted. Hoping to ease my worrying, I buried the feeling in my subconscious. With every step I took, there were echoes following behind at the same pace. No matter how many times I whirled around trying to find the second source, I was always left with nothing.

There was something in the wind demanding that I turned back. When I continued to ignore its warnings, it would only grow stronger. Eventually, it stopped and I was left alone on my trek. The longer I traveled down the dark bowels of the unknown, the more unease and nervous I grew by the unfamiliar. There was something out there giving of needing, no wanting, sensation and I was the source of its desire. However, everywhere I looked, I was left with nothing and the feeling of being alone.

In an instant, my scenery vanished and I was surrounded by nothing but white. There was someone clutching her knees to her chest crying. Trying to get to her was a fail because regardless of how many steps I took I was still in the same spot and the same distance away.

"This is a place of no escape for me." An all too familiar voice stunned me. "I don't need trespassers."

The little girl was no longer alone on the ground crying. She was standing in a white dress that was covered in red stains. Beside her was someone taller in the same outfit. The two were so young. Yet, they were too far away for me to see their faces. As if reading my mind, they began to walk one step at a time. Surprisingly, when they were half way from where they started and me, there was another girl older than the both of them. Just like the other two, she was also in a white dress with red stains.

"You've interfered too many times." They spoke together in unison as though the voices were all the same. Something heavy pulled at my heart. With each step closer, there was something that made me was to cry. "What do we have to do to make you happy?" The taller one spoke as if she were weak. What surprised me most was the fact that they were now within arm's reach and I knew exactly who they were.

Before anything else, shadows swirled around my feet sucking away the light into the depths of darkness. I flailed around searching for anything to come to my aid in a burst of panic. Yet, nothing came to my pleading hands. The girls were now gone and everything remained immersed in the darkness. There was fear settling inside as once again I felt like someone was by my side. Only this time, it was intensified beyond imagination. I was left thinking about what I was so scared of that could render me weak and emotionless. Somewhere out in the dark transpired life that circled my still being and observed. It knew my strengths and fed me my weaknesses.

Whatever was taking control brushed along my back causing me to frantically spin around. Panic was standing on my shoulders weighing me down. It seemed as though the wind was laughing in my face. A chuckle by my ear breaks through my thoughts. There was a scream building, digging its claws into my throat, cutting its way free. Although, I was only accompanied by the overwhelming darkness and silence. This feeling was like someone's personal hell that was slowly drawing me in. However, it homed a slumbering evil that left you wishing you were tumbling through wonderland.

"Leave." The familiar voice spoke once again.



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