Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


There was a hushed silence through the crowd that soon carried whispers. Some were wondering about what kind of magic was being done and if I was truly alive. Others believed that it was impossible. Many thought that they were trapped within a dream and possessed by magic. It is a logical thought seeing as I was dead. What seemed to shock them the most was the smile I gave them before I charged into battle. I would do anything in my power to protect them.

The weakest of our enemies were the Amon. They were the outer barrier of fighters that kept the weak from entering deeper into their territory and seemed to be more along the male population. A creature that took on the shape of a human, but looked nothing like one due to the design its body took and were covered in a purplish-blue tint. Amon had fur covering its lower regions like clothes and a tail as though it were a wolf. They were suited with large hands and feet to aid in speed. Along their arms were razors to annihilate their enemies with a swing. Similar to a feline, they possessed sharp teeth. Then, on top of their head, they have wings like a bat that increase their hearing, making it difficult for anyone to sneak up on them.

As a defense mechanism, they had the ability to draw in large amounts of air. Once they have sucked in the oxygen, it goes through the stomach where it mixes with a hazardous gas and reroutes to a chamber filled in their chest. In times of an attack, they open the chamber where then they spit fire and poison. The heat melts skin and bones leaving nothing behind. From the smoke that filters away at the mouth with each flame that is spit, a poison fog builds and eats away from ones inside after making them seriously ill.

Unlike most of the villagers, I found it easy to pass the barricade they had formed. Majority were dealing with the weaker of the humans. Those that were free to fight chose me as their victim, poor luck on their part. With a couple punches against their hard chests, I had to find another tactic since I was without my weapons. However, the foul smelling creature thought my futile attempts were humorous and just stood by with a smirk. To them I was weak beyond belief. After a couple of attacks, I knew that I alone could not make damage to pass by, especially with metal compound chests that act as a shield. Then to make matters worse, more friends joined in. Without much effort, I was able to dodge and slip by their attacks.

Sadly, I was running out of time and had to pass them onto someone else and run to the next targets. Even though I was capable of fighting, I needed to save my strength.

The difference between the two strengths was definitely noticeable, especially when it came to looks. The next targets were filled with more feminine creatures. While the body was softer and serpent like, these demons were more ruthless. Known as the Lamia, they are vile. Unknown to most, they have the ability to paralyze their victims in a dream state. On the outside, it looks as though they were frozen.

Against my wishes, one was slithering their way in my direction. Beside it was the Lamia's cousin, Lamia Argus, trotting with a snide smile. Their strong horse like body was chiseled in muscle. Along their human side, they were covered in armor and holding weapons. Together they circled around preventing any escape route. "Unlike the Amos, we are actually a fight."

Without a second's hesitation, the serpent propelled its tail at my feet. Unfortunately, I was too slow. The tight grip was latched onto my left ankle limiting my movement. Falling suite, the centaur galloped closer as it swung its sword. As it was angled for my neck, I pulled out one of the daggers in the chest plate slamming it into the blade with a hard impact. It clanged right above my head vibrating my arms.

I could feel the tail curl higher up my leg as I resisted the strength of the Argus. Sneaking a khanjali out, I was able to dig it into the arm wielding the weapon. It was almost too easy to escape the attack. At least that is what I thought, until I felt the circular pattern dig into my stomach propelling my body backwards and my head snapped forward. The hard impact weakened my body and ridding me of my reflexes.

"Now cousin, shall we finish her?"

"No, give her a little something to remember us by."

I felt the stab as the air was snatched from my lungs. A foreign substance entered my bloodstream. It was warm and relaxing. In my head began a gentle soothing lullaby that promoted me too sleep. As much as I wanted to give in and rest, my body denied the right.

"Why is it not working?"

With a smirk, I pressed my hand against my knees and pushed up until I was standing on my feet. Closing my eyes, I cracked my knuckles and released the tension that was building in my bones.

"Here we go, time for the real fun."

Dashing with incredible speed, I scraped open the metal armor and pummeled my fist into the soft stomach of the serpent. Before I could turn my attention to the horse-like demon, blood splattered my face. This gave edge to my wicked look as I drove my attention to my second prey. It too was an easy target and was knocked out with one a single kick.

Standing straight and looking to YoHel, I chuckled. Everyone froze, including the demons and watched me gain closer with every step. Some whimpering in fear.

"Now, let the real fun begin."



A Khanjali is a knife.

I graduated Saturday. WHOOOO! I am officially no longer a high school student. #classof2016

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