Chapter 11

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I have been here, in this run down and old building for several years. I know no one is going to come. Anyone who ever knew I existed has long forgotten. However, Ariyah has only been locked away for a few months, but something about her was different than the previous prisoners. She said she no longer had hope and I knew that that was true, but she still fought for my freedom. What confused me most was that she looked out for me more so than herself, disregarding all of the penalties. In the beginning, we would scream as loud as we could when HE left. Eventually, we came to the conclusion that no one heard our pleas. Yet, regardless of all the set backs, Ariyah would still fight to escape. Any time that there was an accusation to be placed or even a punishment, she would take it. Out of everything, Ariyah promised me a happy future.

At first, I ignored her. I could not simply grasp that one person could make such a huge difference to bring happiness and safety. I never wanted to put trust in her, but she never let them touch me. Compared to all of the others, she was so dedicated to her words. Something about her was so familiar, but I could not place what it was. It was as though she resonated somewhere deep in my life. She began to escape once a week. Each time she returned, she said she was closer to our freedom. Even though there was no trusting her with my freedom, we soon became friends and depended on one another.

"Ariyah!" The green-eyed man's voice filled the room. We were never given his name nor allowed to speak to him.

Again. This child will never give up.

Scaycia, hush.

It's true Casey. Look how much she goes through. You would think she would lay low and listen, but no.

She is doing far more than we ever have.

Scaycia, my wolf, and I watched in horror as the man who kidnapped us grabbed onto Ariyah's tattered brown shirt in a wadded mess, pulling her off the ground to his face. He constantly slung words left and right to destroy her confidence, but she never gave in. With a look of pure rage, he slung her across the room into the wall. Regaining her composure, she stood as still as stone. He never allowed us to lay in pain; otherwise, he would do far worse.

She is never going to learn. I sighed with envy and remorse.

Then, time stood still and slow motion kicked in. He raised his strong, intimidating hand and struck her across the cheek, giving birth to an agitated red welt. She whimpered at the pain, which only fueled his rage.

"Silence. I'm tired of hearing your filthy trap."

Once again, this 'monster' of a man clenched his fist concentrating all of his anger into one blow. As he pummeled it into her stomach, her defenseless body curled around as it doubled over. With disgust, he flung her off of him leaving her to bounce off of the clean floors to lay in pain. It was too much for me to take. Normally, he would slap her a few times, but something about this situation told me there was more to come. Ariyah, you knew.

With every ounce of pain and sorrow that would course through her body, an echoing moan would bounce off of the walls. Some of them were slightly muffled by the horrid slapping and kicking that he dealt.

"That's enough!" I screamed. "She has had enough."

"If she had enough, do you think she would have tried to escape again. She needs to learn her place, like you."

The only reason I 'learned my place,' is because she always pleaded for me to stay. She always smiled and said the pain was nothing to her and that everything would be okay. Yet, it was obvious that she was lying.

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