Chapter 5

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After dragging around the girl who spilled chili on me, I felt burdened. She was constantly apologizing and I did not know how to handle it. I finally had enough.

"Listen." Her body tensed and I saw a slight trace of fear in her eyes. "I am o-kay." She just bowed her head and apologized again. "Stop apologizing, it is unnecessary. Why are you so frightened of me?"

She looked up and for the first time looked me in the eyes. I could tell she was observing me due to the odd faces she was making, which kinda made me laugh inside. "They said to be."

"Who?" Things were getting interesting now.


I stared a few seconds before sighing. At this rate, I would never get answers and I will just be wasting my time. "I won't hurt you."

"But, they said you would."

"I won't," I smiled at her. "Trust me, I know who I will and will not hurt. You, my dear, have not done nothing to piss me off." With that said, I turned and left to go to my next class.

With every step that I took, I could feel her eyes watching me. It was kind of amusing to see her jumpy, but it was not right to let her be afraid every time I was around. After a slight chuckle, I let the amusement fade and walked into my fourth block class.

The room was loud and students were everywhere, even Deamon was among the unnecessary noise. Even when the teacher came into class, they were still acting up. As usual, I walked to the back of the room and set my bag down. Mrs. Kira was trying to calm the class down and get them to begin their work that was on the board; however, she was failing. Instead of associating with anyone, I did my normal routine and began to copy the page and the questions that were assigned. 

MATH 2574H - Honors Calculus 4

This is the class that I was currently sitting in and it was the worst of the day. All the smart and rich people who were snobby were in this class. In particular, Parker. I had just finished the work that was due by the end of class when he and his friends walked over to my desk. It seemed that I would always be haunted by him. Immediately, I was annoyed from the constant staring they threw my way. I ignored them for as long as possible, but they made it difficult when they flung my bag off of my desk.

"Listen here babe. No one and I mean no one treats me the way you did earlier."

"What? Did I offend that little ego of yours?" I replied as I bent over to retrieve my bag. His group started snickering but stopped when they earned a glare. "Or perhaps it was that I can now tell everyone how small your dick really is?"

It is sad that everyone is easily intimidated by the strong and powerful. There were so many people who were nice and wonderful here. I've even wished that I were able to befriend someone at random times, but I know that I can't. I cannot endanger anyone more than I already have.

While I was thinking, the entire class erupted into a fit of laughter. His face turned beet red and the anger he had improved, his eyes gave off a feral intent. Each of his friends tried calming him down as they backed away, but his anger grew. I watched as his body began to reconstruct itself. His body increased in size and his nails grew. As this continued, he grew a snout and long fangs. Parker was no longer the human that everyone knew on a daily basis. He was now the wolf that was in his subconscious.

If you have not realized yet, this school is not your normal everyday human school. Lakefield was a place that was neutral. Any one could live in the area, but would be exiled or killed  depending on the crime they commit. Unfortunately, that did not go along with the children. We were able to change and fight as long as no one died.

Parker seemed intrigued by knowing that I was different than his kind. He always was and at one point he even tried to claim me as his. However, I disregarded him. I am no ones to control.

"What are you going to do now Ariyah?" Deamon's voice came from behind me. "He had been off with me since that day but recently started talking to me again. However, his voice alone was enough to tell me he did not care what happened to me.

Without acknowledging him, I stood up.  "Mrs. Kira, I do not want to be held responsible."

I started to walk out of the classroom when I was flung in the air out the window. I heard people gasp and someone holler my name, but I dismissed the sound. Sailing through the air, I felt the wind brush my face before smacking into the ground. Dirt flew up disturbing my sight. Although, my hearing was still alerted. A growl came from my left before I felt something hit my stomach sending me backward into the fence.

Standing, I coughed up specks of blood into my hand. The world grew dizzy and I started to swerve. I was unable to make another move as once again I was flung into the air. This time, gravity was cruel and slung me into the rocky sand. As if the world slowed, the sting that took place where the skin ripped was slow and growing.

"Who is weak now." A couple of guys shouted. Looking up, I saw there was a crowd gathering. 

"Ariyah!" A voice screeched out and I found it belonged to the same girl from earlier. She was held between two men, one who I recognized as Tristan. On her face was nothing but fear and disgust.

"You want a fight." I pushed off of the ground coughing once more. "Fine." Without thinking further, I took one step and began a path straight for Parker.


Who is this girl and why was she told to be afraid of Ariyah?

Why can she not be friends with anyone?

What do you think about Parker and Ariyah?

I won't update for the next few days. I'll be going to Missouri and then Sunday I have a concert to see the Newsboys. :)

Leave me comments on what you think so far. ^•^


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