Chapter 24

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We were recruited here in hopes that our future could change. Everyone believed that we would contribute to a winning era where people could live in happiness and laughter. At first, it was a simple task, almost anyone could have participated. Now as a whole, we are still incapable of fighting for our beliefs. One by one, men and women fought against the foul terrors this world is giving birth too. For every chance of faith, we were pummeled twice as hard. With each attack, we crumbled farther to nothing. Yet, there was always some sense of motivation driving our motions, controlling our very being so that we would not give up.

At first, the situation was comprehensible; however, now everyone stood confused. For so long, we have let those stronger and more demonic beings take control. They have destroyed our very being to the point where we are weak. No matter how smart or tough, nor how strong or rough, we still do not meet the qualifications for this futile attempt of freedom. We could have trained a thousand men, and still not one would be even remotely close to standing a chance against YoHel. Let alone the one with whom she speaks of that is more treacherous than herself.

All of us are secretly wishing and dreaming of the same secrets. Regardless of how cruel or nice, we all want to be loved. We want to make the ones we care about proud and show them how much worth that was developed into their lives. Admiration, it is key to the way we get stronger. Looking around the battle field, each one standing on this tainted soil has committed endless hours to preparing for death. Luck is the balance beam their soul is teetering on. No one knows who will die or who will survive, but we do not give up. Until that one moment, the one statement we all feared was announced. Ariyah, our warrior, was dead.

Sorrow stitched into the hearts of everyone and I could feel the regret pouring from the expressions. No one has ever showed her kindness. She was seen as an outcast that was branded 'worthless'. Eventually, they gave up on physically bullying her. Most people believe it is because she would never do anything and just let them beat her till she could not move. Others think it is because she showed no reaction. That is when the bullying became verbal. At first, people received the sad looks and heard the sighs she would try to hide. Yet, she submitted once again and became numb. Thus, people saw her as a boring victim and practically erased her existence.

It wasn't until Ariyah would miss several days and come back bruised, that the harsh reality returned. What everyone thought was more bullying away from school, was actually her secret. One that was well kept until our school was attacked. She was training to protect this town. A town that was cruel and heartless towards her. Yet, she was there in a nanosecond to help whenever someone was in danger. For years, we have wondered why she would protect and serve those who wanted nothing more than her death. Now, the harsh sadness of our wish was granted. Her last breath has been served. It is only in such despicable circumstances that we realize what we want is actually the furthest thing that we desire. This is when we believe the battle is over. Without Ariyah, we have nothing, we are nothing. Now, most people would say that we won, because we were still alive and could live longer the way we want. Truth is, we are only breathing, not truly living.

We say goodbye.


Is it too late to auto correct humanity?

Trying to forget about the body laying next to me, I gazed at the now welcoming scene. However, the image was burned in my head. Everywhere I looked, I saw her. She was motionless. Her chest ceased all movement and her eyes were empty. Ariyah became a true shell. One that would never be broken. The vibrant color in each strand of hair now dull and fraying. With each minute passing, her skin sinking between the hollows of her bones as though she never ate. She was not only dead in life, but also in body.

All Ariyah ever knew was sadness and it made me want to swallow her in warmth and color. Show a side of this world where people know love, loyalty, and friendship. Maybe even get her used to the idea that she had family, even when she felt so alone. Yet, the world changed dark and cold with one obstacle. I've not only lost the one I protected so many years ago, but I was on the verge of losing another. They were both considered my children and there was nothing I could do to keep them safe. My emotions were growing stone cold and I was done with everything life threw my way.

There was a need that was bubbling up inside. I needed to hide, it was sizzling with every bubble that burst. From the inside out, I was dying and fading. What was left of my cold and dark humanity returned from the joyous warmth that it was cradled within. Every flame dying with a smile of evil. Tight enslaving chains destroyed my process of thinking and submerged me to pain. My body was like Earth, made up of water and land. Easily being destroyed and torn. The epidermis painted with its scars as the ground was demolished. Each droplet of blood sizzling away the water as the flames grew hotter with rage. Possession now controls me too.

As though an ancient past has rose from the grave, I sink to my hole and allow its revenge. Ariyah was the angel that brought meaning to my life. Though now, that statement is wrong. As the ancestor gleefully reaps the souls, I realize she was nothing but the angel of misery. If not for her, I would still be plain and empty.

Empty. That's right, my life was nothing. It had no meaning, but once again it is plain. Only difference, I have added a broken sanity. As I once again drift my eyes to the cadaver by my foot, I release the chain confining me. I guess now is as good as any time to unlock the madness.

Observing the limp form, I realized there was so much forgotten. She still had so much to learn and do. Then, turning my attention to Daemon, I saw him weakening by the second. Yet, there was no sorrow, no regret, no happiness; he expressed emptiness.

Ariyah, I always thought you were the one that would last.

Shaking my head clear of any thoughts, I straightened my stance from the crooked bend it was in. Getting used to the muscles in my forgotten limbs, I shook my arms and legs. However, the world suddenly became ice.

This is what it is like. I can't believe I let you experience this.



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