Chapter 19

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War, the definition of pitting two sides against one another to see the outcome. Each side believing that they are fighting for a good cause and will better themselves if they win. War is the only way that adults see fit to solving a problem; however, in the end, both sides suffer. Thus, what is the point in all of the fighting?

Mortality is such a vital necessity to living, not just towards humans. Why do people treasure their existence? You only live once. Yet, here this woman is, given a second chance at life. However, there was a price. In order for her to remain, Ariyah would have to cease. Though this woman is taking lives with ease. How could someone so cruel and ruthless be allowed to exist? Well, where there is good, there is always an equal force of evil. Which side are you?

It didn't take long for the fight to transfer to the outside world. At first, YoHel toyed with us. She wouldn't kill anyone, but she would severely injure them. It was easy for her due to the surroundings and the tight space. She knew the amount of strength to use in each move and the distance to throw or kick each person that attacked her. No matter how many people attempted to bring her down, she overpowered them as if they were nothing. It would seem like she had been here with us since the beginning of time instead of mere moments.

In appearance, she still looked like Ariyah. A deathly pale replaced the already white skin that gave residence to light brown freckles that kissed her body. Her dark brown hair trickled down to her chest in little waves. Where Ariyah had blue eyes, she now had a furious red color. Slowly, YoHel was replacing all of what made Ariyah who she is.

Mercilessly, YoHel began killing warriors with her bare hands. It seemed as though they had never been trained a day in their life. Across her face was a look of pure happiness. She was enjoying each death. It seemed as though it were a game to her, one we are gladly playing along to. "It's time to stop this Selene. This isn't the woman I fell in love with."

"I already told you, I am not Selene." A deep chuckle escaped. "She was too easy. All I had to do was wait for the right time. You gave me the chance I needed."

Eli fell to his knees shaking in tears. "All I wanted was her."

"You even betrayed your own daughter." She raised her hands above her head. "Ashimm maran casum oni raysh."

Without thinking, I ran towards Eli avoiding every hand. "NO!" I hollered as loud as I could but the sound fell to deaf ears. Everything is frozen. It's cold and dark. I moved my head to look around. Nothing changed. All around people swarmed, some defending while others attacked. Is this the end? Is this what it is like to die? I squeezed my hands into the dirt as though it were enough to cling onto life. The thick grime coated beneath my fingernails. It's so peaceful, so welcoming. Maybe I will see Ariyah again.


As soon as Luke realized what Deamon was going to do, he reached out trying to grab him, but he slipped free. Before either of us could catch up to him, YoHel began chanting. "Ashimm maran casum oni raysh." With every words, the ball of energy grew.

As the words tumbled free, several scenarios unfolded. Trees crashed towards the surface blowing clouds of dust all around as they destroyed the terrain. The sky darkened with a deep black color, riding the world of the beautiful blue and gold paint it always knew. People all across the battlefield were dropping like flies, including Deamon. Whatever YoHel was planning, Deamon was a victim. The tan complexion lightened and grew cold to the touch. His eyes were hollow. There was nothing in them, completely void to any emotion.

"Lucien you have to do something." I could hear Luka shouting in my ear, but I wasn't listening. First, Ariyah was kidnapped and then killed. Second, this creature possessed her body while it controlled Selene's soul. Now, Deamon is dying. Then it clicked. Would it work?

"Luka you have to do it."

"Are you insane! It won't work, he is too far gone for that."

"It's our only chance."

Luka kneeled on the other side of Deamon's body across from me. "I don't know about this. I've only done it twice."

"It's our only shot. Regardless, he will die if we just sit here."

I watched Luka close his eyes and take a deep breath. I could see the wrinkles that these children have created over the years, causing him to age more than he truly was. The way his voice wavered, he held uncertainty and sorrow in this decision. Without another word, I took out my knife and slit his wrist. For a few moments, it pooled around the opening before drizzling down onto Deamon. I squished his mouth, which caused his blue lips to open.

"I can't. He will hate this life." Luka backed away before any could go in his mouth.

"Please. This is our only chance." My eyes darted back and forth between the two people. One was conflicted, while the other was dying. I cursed myself for being so weak and useless. "Please."

Luka looked at me one last time before he nodded and made his way over to us. With each inch, I watched the swirl of emotions run across his face. I knew I was throwing a lot of pressure on Luka, but I was too greedy to lose Deamon as well. As soon as he was kneeling beside us, I reached for his arm and brought it to Deamon's lips. The droplets that dripped contrasted against his body in every way. He was pale, cold, and dying; it was bright, warm, and alive. The crimson red formed a river that oozed down his throat. This was the only hope we had to save him. Though, it too seemed to be failing. When his chest stopped moving, I grew frantic.

Luka took him from me and gave me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry." Then he bit down hard on Deamon's neck. The discoloration against his pale skin still formed from the pressure that Luka applied with the bite. I watched the slithering of the venom as it dug a path. When Luka pulled away, I laid him against the ground and leaned forward to see if he was breathing, he wasn't. Instinctively, I tilted his head back and began pressing my palms against his chest.

"Please." Over and over I pressed and still nothing. I blew air into his mouth and watched his chest. "You can't go."

"Lucien." He pulled me away. "His pulse is gone. There is nothing we can do."

They're both gone.



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