Chapter 8

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Seven. That is apparently the lucky number graced on Ariyah's life. It took seven minutes to revive her heart from the grips of death. By the time they had succeeded, her body had paled and seemed hollow. For all we know, she could have already slipped away and be living by the machines her body was hooked up to. While this may be true, I was not allowing her to leave so easily.

It had been a week since the incident. The people at school were talking. Some said that she had died, others believed she dropped out and left the country. I was surprised by one person in particular. Regardless of what was being spread, there was one person who stood their ground and never faltered what they believed. She would always respond by saying that Ariyah will return and that she is the strongest and bravest person among the people in this town. Admiration coursed my veins as she stood her ground and spoke so highly of Ariyah.

Parker and his goons decided they had enough of the retaliation and made their move to thwart her attempts at persuading people to think her way. Since Ariyah was so determined to protect this girl, I jumped in when I saw Parker had her shoved against the lockers one day with a threatening look. Since then, she has stuck to me like glue. It wasn't long before I realized her name was Mira and she had a brother, Alexei. They came to this town in search of Lucien, but that left me at a conflicted decision.

One, keep them in the dark and not tell them that I know who they are searching for. That I am able to take them to him.

Two, bring them to the hospital where Ariyah was admitted since Lucien is staying there. In doing so, it could risk her safety, but Mira seemed protective of her.

It took the rest of the week for me to make my choice. Although, I was not sure whether it was the right one or not.

When we were in front of the door, I knew it was too late to turn back. Slowly, I slid the heavy chunk of wood to the left and slid through the crack I had created. I heard a gasp and when I turned around I was surprised.

Mira was full of shock and sorrow. There was a sudden aura of grey that shelled itself around her body, almost like a mist that slightly touched her skin. The sudden sight and feeling left me with cold chills. Her shoulders sagged from the weight of all the emotions and thoughts that swallowed her at once. A single tear streamed down her face. She had shifted moods almost instantly.

"H-How long?"

Lucien had no emotion in his eyes, but he did have a slight reaction to them. It was recognition. "A week." she shrieked in surprise. "I thought she was resting or something. How could she have resulted to such circumstances?"

"We think the bite corresponded with her DNA."

Her expression darkens and her eyes squinted. "You and Luka were supposed to protect her. That's why we stayed behind to give her time."

"Wait, you guys know each other?"

She smiled and shook her head. "Yes, Alexei and I were subjects in the same experiment that she was a part of. We were the closest he had in obtaining the complete results, so he kept us alive. We were his prized possessions until he brought her. He knew she was what would create his 'mysterious weapon' and we had to stop it." Mira was full of sorrow and respect. "Despite what she went through with the Queen and her blank phase as we call it, she became strong and independent. We found ourselves looking up to her."

Mira walked over to the bed and gently dragged her hand down Ariyah's arm. "I'm so sorry princess."

Alexei finally spoke for the first time. "We had to get her to safety. We heard he was going to test her to see how much was left for her to be one hundred percent complete, but the three of us ran. It's sad that at such young ages children were running for their lives. Well, Mira and I stayed behind as she and her brother continued on. We had to protect her at all costs. She is the only hope that we have." He looked down with his fist clamped shut. "When we returned we found out that she was already at 100%. The only thing stopping his weapon was for the DNA's to be awakened by their own species."

The room was silent. I had learned more about Ariyah in a week, then I have in the years I have known her. She truly was an amazing person.

"She won't be waking up soon. We should go." Luka startled us with his appearance.

"What do you mean 'princess,' and why does Mira have an aura showing?"

"Listen Deamon, Mira mentioned that they are part of the experiment that Ariyah went through. The only difference is that over time she lost all of the other creatures she was compatible with. Unlike Ariyah, Mira was only able to keep her fairy side. The aura is part of that DNA and is shows when she is going too many emotions to control it. Similarly, Alexei only retained the demon side. They were not able to provide for so many DNA's and lost all of the others."

"Ariyah is the daughter of the vampire king; thus, making her the princess of all vampires. Yet, due to her have DNA of every mystical creature alive, she has the power to eliminate them as well. Therefore, she is the princess of the Gods and Goddesses."


In the far distance, I became aware of the annoying sounds that were so prominent to my hearing. The annoying beeping followed by the light murmur of voices somewhere near. Next, the clean smell of chemicals and anesthetic, along with the sweet fragrance of flowers came to my attention. I heard shuffling before everything went completely quiet. I was sore from head to toe. The slightest movement sent a stinging sensation that I should have been used to by now. My head pounded but it felt as though I was carrying a lighter load on my shoulders. Immediately, I thought back to the conversation that was spoken about my childhood. Perhaps the lighter feeling had to do with the shield being tampered with.


Learning that I was an experiment was the main thing that stuck with me from the entire conversation. I was practically bred to be nothing but a tool. After hearing that I had no purpose except causing destruction, I gave up fighting. I allowed my heart to slow and my body to cease. The darkness swarmed in and I welcomed the cold grips to swallow my very being hole.

Slowly,  I peeled my eyelids open to face a light that was still too bright for my dilated eyes. I hissed at the annoyed sensation my sensitive eyes met. Cringing until they finally adjusted, my eyes darted around the room furiously taking in my surroundings. The walls were a sterile white with a slight tint of tan. To add some decoration, there were a couple of pictures that hung around the room. Also, there were drawings and cards as if it were a personal area. To the right of the bed were cabinets and a long counter that I suspected held more equipment to the machines I was connected to. On the counter was a case of flowers that gave off a scent which blended splendidly in the air. They were bright and a happy color that did not belong in this soiled atmosphere. Thus, I smiled.

I used my right hand that was not connected with the wires to remove the blanket from my body eliminating some of the heat. Upon first glance, I became numb. I saw the canvas that I was all too familiar with. There were even new additions, but to the blind eye, they would never be noticeable. On the contrary, to the professional who observes the painting daily, I knew they were fresh. The pinkish scars that swelled proved that whatever injuries I had, had recently all but healed. Except for the one I was excluding from my vision and thoughts.

With a sigh, I looked to my left and came face to face with a pair of green eyes staring at me through the window. The heart monitor races along with my heart as my pulse sped.

"You're mine."

Still too weak to put up much of a fight, I was easily restrained. As soon as people thundered through the door into my room, we vanished. The last thing I saw was Luka stretching his arm out to grab me with regret in his eyes. I smiled.


I will be honest, I have no idea where I am going, so bare with me. I've been a little stressed with exams, so if this is hard to follow I am sorry. Well, today is the last day for them, so hopefully I do well on the remaining ones I have. :3 Good luck to anyone else having some. I wish you the best. 


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