Chapter 27

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The urge to fight was strong and overwhelming. Even if I wanted to fight against the urge, I would not succeed. The boiling blood coursing through my veins only rose in temperature as I got closer to my prey. With each step I could feel my own personal demon seeping from my flesh and scratching its way free to take control. It was captivating, possessive, and absolutely thrilling. Slowly, I could feel my humanity whither as I was pouring out everything that I was.

The air thickened and my surroundings were tense. No one was fighting, but instead they were spectating. It was as though I were in a game. Some with awe and some with absolute terror, while I was completely ecstatic. My muscles tightened and reformed to steel. Each cell compacted on my epidermis and created a tough armor. With each second that passed, I could feel the leak turn into a hole where nothing but power poured from. It was so thick that you could literally see it as a black liquid. The substance was enough to drive anyone insane.

After it drained from my pores, it clumped together, building a ball around my paling body. It continued until I was completely engulfed. However, even though it shielded me from the outside world, it continued to swallow me as it filled the inside. The fear kicked in and my adrenaline raced. I was drowning in my own power.

You wanted to save these people. Now it is time to learn what you can really do. I released your lock. Be free.

Immediately, the pain set in and my body broke. I could hear the snap of my bones and feel each bend as my body reformed and stitched itself together. All I could do is scream in pain and pray for it to be over soon. Hunching into a ball, I tightened my arms around my legs and felt the pressure swarm in from every direction pulling at my mind. Growing tired and losing the strength to fight, I gave in and was submerged.

Choking on the liquid that threatened to kill me was only the beginning. My back was nothing by searing pain as I felt it rip open and eject a strange form. I could feel the rage begin to take control. My mind emptied and my body relaxed. Slowly, I straightened to a standing position as the ball of my own energy wrapped around my body and covered it in a clear liquid state. I stood there facing the ground with my solid black hair covering my face. The ground was weak as it cracked and sank beneath my feet.

"It seems as thought the little weakling has a hidden strength. Not like it is of any use against me." YoHel's voice slightly shook, but was quickly covered with a hideous laugh. Slowly, I turned with my head still facing the ground and my feet shifting against the cold surface of Earth. I lifted my head to look at the foul talking creature that was disturbing my peace. As I opened my eyes and looked at her, I watched her own eyes widen and shake. I could see them vibrate with unease.

"Those marks. How do you wear them?" Looking at my body, I saw there were black symbols swirling about on my right side. I watched them slowly crawl across my flesh as they attempted to dominate my entire being.

"You." My voice rang loud and clear. "You are my first prey in this world. Hope you have a little bit of a challenge in you. I need to break in this body."

"Ariyah." The sorrow from the word shook me with unease. "I don't get it." Turning my head to the side, I saw it was Luka. Beside him was everyone who has ever cared for me. The ones who stood by my side. "Why are you doing this?"

"Why should you care? It is my concern, not yours. Just stand back and keep the others safe. I have my own path that I must follow. Neither you nor anyone else can steer me from it. I know the costs and what it entails." They looked angry and hurt at the same time. "I will tell you this though, my days of playing happy protector with you guys, well it is over. It is time to stop lying." Shock registered on the face of everyone.

As I let go of every one of them, the dreams we made together dissipated. Each laugh we had faded. Everyone moment of love and happiness became non-existent. It was time to say goodbye, because I am the only one who knew the outcome of the fight. At looked at them one last time. "Thank you for everything." Hearing the sound of footsteps, I turned back to my opponent and smirked. Behind me, I could hear Luka whispering of the events that transpired earlier when we met. Maybe that will make it easier for them to remember if they all know.

Making the first move, I leaped into the air and started the brawl. Landing on the ground right beside her, I curled my fist into my palm and slammed it against her chin sending her down to the ground. "Whoops." I chuckled a little with enjoyment. "It seems that I don't know my own strength yet."

"It seems you don't." Yohel wiped the blood from her mouth with a slight smile. "I think I am going to enjoy this more than the fight over your body." I felt my teeth clench and my anger increase. How dare she try to use me.

"It is sad that even now, there is a small part of me that wants to save you. That wants to see if there is anything worth saving." She shook her head and grabbed my collar, raising me off of the ground with my feet dangling. "And now, I still don't care what you want." Suddenly, she released her grip only for her other hand to bash into my ribs causing me to flop across the dirt and smash into a boulder. It was almost similar to when the beginning of my life turned upside down.

An unforeseen sense of power radiated from within me. Along with it, a pocket of pain burst open in my chest and the markings fully spread. I could feel the power grow and flow through my body. All I could do is chuckle maniacally. Deep within, I could see my weak form sinking deeper into the pool of strength. My true form was always slightly weaker and could never escape. I was always outmatched. Now it is time for my lock to feel what it is like to be taken from life. After all, creating a demon inside of a partial human is a mistake.

Pulling myself up, I stared into the eyes of my enemy breathing heavily form the lack of oxygen in my lungs. Without notice, I dug my feet into the ground and charged after her. My arms swung back and forth with every step and I quickened my speed. I swung my arm out to strike her in the face again, only for it to be dodged and for YoHel to roundhouse kick me in the shoulder knocking it out of place.

"Wake up already. You are too weak in this stage."

She twisted my arm around my back and shoved me into the dirt. Not giving me a chance to stand back up, I felt the edge of her shoe dig into my ribs as she kicked me away. Bouncing against the cold snow that was not thick enough to block the rocks, I could feel each jab. Standing back up, I popped my shoulder back in place with a slight irritation and began heading in her direction again. Instead, I was met with wires as they restrained me against a tree. Only anger seeped free. Each thin piece dug into my skin and sliced into the tree.

"You know, all of this pain could end if you would just simply give up. I love this whole get up and believe that you are worth anything, but I think by now everyone is realizing what a false hope you really are." With YoHel being distracted by her mouth, I slid my dagger against the wire slicing them apart one by one. "I mean come on, you've only hit me once since you have managed to upgrade. Heck I would not even call it that."

However, before I could fully set myself free. She dug her fist into my stomach again only adding a twist to her hand as she dug deep. I could feel the burn on my flesh as I sank my way into the tree itself.

Wake up. You are being a stupid girl. You wanted the power to save your friends, then use it. I released your full potential. Now harness it and stop being weak.

"I have awoken." I sputtered out between coughs. "The one who wanted family and love and friendship," I stood to my feet as I had the previous times. "she was the one who was asleep."

Using my full potential, I stood my ground and watched as the surrounding power sunk into my veins and connected thoroughly. Electricity pooled out of my hands attaching in various waves as it twisted in curves. Searching for its victim to play with, I held on. Fangs sharpened and lengthened in my mouth until they were similar to canines in a wolf. My nails sharpened into talons. Feeling ready to release everything I was concentrating on, I grabbed her left wrist and allowed the electricity to take dominance as I punched her in the chest right above her heart. I could hear the increase and struggle with every beat as she fought against the pain.

"Just give in." I whispered. Letting go of her life is exactly what she did.

"YoHel!" A thunderous voice shook me from within.



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