Chapter 14

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My fist collided with the huge cylinder like object. The rough layer rubbed against my knuckles and the sand compacted making it harder. Kyle stood behind the punching bag bracing his body for the next impact. Over and over again I slugged my body into the bag until I was left numb to my thoughts. I awoke with a migraine and I knew that I was going to suffer for my actions at the party.

Why did I have to go and drink?

I was angry and my throws spoke the words I did not need to voice. My mind was filled with endless thoughts that I could not seem to answer or erase. Every now and then, Kyle would grunt when I hit the bag. I assumed it was because it hit him a couple of times and startled him. After a while, I calmed down enough to realize that we had been there for three hours and I had been rotating between my hands and my legs. I had repeated every motion and memorized each feeling and breath to the point of where the action was natural.

"Next." His voice was loud and demanding.

Kyle was not a guy of many words. When I had first arrived, he looked at me with disgust and annoyance. He had dark hair that curled at the end of his ears. His blue eyes held nothing to be discovered. When next to him, he stood 6'1 to my 5'6 height leaving me to be intimidated. Normally I was not afraid of anyone, but there was something about this person that left me speechless and weak. His body radiated strength and from the looks of the females and many of the praises he received, he is not only strong but also well admired. He was even the one who tormented me. Our relationship stayed this way up until a boy was cornered.

I didn't know any of the people, but I also knew that no one deserved to be treated in a foul manner. Due to the looks of things, I knew this was not the boy's first encounter with his bullies. Yet, I did not see anyone coming to his aid. No one should have to face such circumstances. From a distance, I watched the boy be spit on and called names. All I wanted to do was stick to myself and cause less trouble. However, when one of the men lashed out, I took matters into my own hands. For three days now, I had watched this boy be treated as if he were dirt. Though none of them had ever physically harmed him. With that strike, I watched enough.

When I jumped in the way of their next strike and refused to leave, I seemed to have only instigated their anger. My actions did make them forget about the boy, but unfortunately, I just became their next target. With every punch and kick they delivered, I still continued to smile at the young boy. He did not deserve to be a victim of such cruel behavior nor watch someone else in pain. He was still young and deserves to be cared for. 

Eventually, the men grew tired of my stupid attempts to thwart their attention from the boy and left. The child was upset but I was able to shrug off his feelings as though nothing was wrong. At the time, I was still pretty weak and injured from the toxins that prevented my back from healing, though it did prove to be making slow progress.

Little did I know that high up in a tree shielded by leaves and branches, he was residing. Kale had watched the altercation. This made him think differently of me, so it seemed. Enough for him to train me and to stop treating me as though I was a worm. In the beginning, I refused his help thinking it was some trick. I did not want to put myself in more rejection. Yet, he kept asking after every confrontation from the same men who were being abusive to the young boy when I refused to retaliate.

Thus, here we are today training. I finally accepted his help and I have realized that my body has started to tone up from all of the work he has put me through. The slight flab and jiggle of my body has tightened and is now hard. I have a better control over harnessing my body's limitations. There were times he would include me in his circuit training in the evenings.

Right now was different. He was getting back at me for dismissing his orders and going to the party. I was doing an extra workout to clear the effects of the alcohol and to teach a lesson. Kale came barging into my room at seven this morning telling me to be ready in thirty minutes. Instead of listening, I rolled back over and went to sleep. Next thing I knew, I was shivering and being pulled out of bed. When I finally listened and got dressed, we went for a three-mile jog and then came to the gym. From there I have done a series of exercises to the punching bag.

"We are going to work on your elusive skills."

Before I even had a moment to comprehend what he was talking about, he was coming after me. I squeaked.

"Get back here right now. If you have plenty of time to lounge around and attend parties, then you are going to suffer the consequences."


The sound of heavy breathing filled the silence like coloring in between the lines. It was loud and obnoxious and all of it came from me. Kale did not even seem to be bothered by our recently finished training stimulation. While I was laying on the floor panting and heat flaring through my limbs, Kale's friends appeared.

"Wow, Kale looks like you got her good today."

A  group of Kale's fellow warriors came into the gym laughing at my state. None of them liked me, especially Kimber. She never had a problem with my existence until Kale thought he would be nice and train me. Since then, she has had it out for me.

"Why don't you put the crap where it belongs. It's not like she can use our training very well. She is human after all."

"Kimber, shut it."

She looked at Kale a little annoyed that he would defend me. Her expression quickly turned to rage when she heard me mumble. "What did you say."

Everyone was laughing in the room. Even some of the loners that happened to have passed by. This time, I said it loud and in her face. "Let. Me. Say. It. Slower." I pointed to Kale and then the exit. "At least I don't beg for attention, so please leave."

Shock. I couldn't process what had happened because I was still surprised. She slapped me. However, what held my attention was the warmth on my arm.


"Looks like the trash is weaker than I thought. Watch how you speak to an Alpha."


I was too slow.

I watched as Kimber backed away from biting Ariyah. Her face full of authority.


I analyzed Ariyah. Her body was motionless as she watched her own blood seep from the wound. She looked paralyzed. Her eyes glazed with familiarity and pain. 



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