Chapter 28

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The loud voice that shouted out for YoHel was enough to shake me from inside. It was intimidating and made me want to bow down as were the other demons. They were all mumbling something to one another, but I could not focus enough to comprehend their words. Shaking my urge free, I slung YoHel's body aside and smirked with happiness.

"You will pay." Once again there was a roaring noise that bloomed as though it came from the sky. It was outraged and hurt, but radiating a strength beyond comprehension.

"Bring it on." Seeing as though I was going to die anyways, it was better to do something then just stand there waiting for my time to end. Feeling as though the world was circling around us, I released my full potential and dove into the power I was giving birth to.

This man was one that looked so familiar. I remembered when I was a child that my father would bring to different places to meet strange people. His face was one of the various people that I met and something about him always peaked my interest. However, he was the one who began the blood shed that stained my hands. Now, he stood before me in a slight bit of shock. "You are the little girl from so long ago. I gave my blood to you. How come you are not the weapon you were supposed to be. If you survived, then you should be the slave of our powers."

As my strength seemed to increase, my body altered. I was changing fast. The demon within me demanded attention and fought for dominance. It was wanting to fight and become the alpha. I could see the shock on his face as I changed. "You created my painful existence, so in return let me rip yours apart." The swirling power burned like fire and my own body covered itself in boiling blood. I crouched into a dog like position on all fours ready to fight.

"Satan!" I hollered. "I am not going to let you win. I will break every single bone in your body. You are not going anywhere but back to hell." Rage was my motivator and companion. Storming my way across the rocks and over the trees, I made a pathway to him. It began with repeated punches that followed one after the other starting at his lower stomach all the way up to his face. I pummeled him into the air. Following after, was a kick to the face that had him flipping in the air until he hit ground. Before he could recover, I tightened my hands together and slammed them onto the top of his head leaving him to slam into the ground as though it were water.

I could feel every ounce of hatred seeping free ready to kill him. It became my mission, my life. As he crawled his way free of the dirt that barricaded around his body, I slammed my foot into his face sending him out of the hole and plopping on his stomach. Still attacking him, he was able to dodge for some of the attacks, but most he endured. When all movement ceased, it was like the world did not exist. Everything was silent and not a single breath was heard from anyone. Looking around, I seen two sides. The demons huddled together, while the humans were huddled with one another. Each to their own side trying to get away from the dangerous path.

"I'll admit my dear, you are extremely strong. However, it is only because you know the pain that rejection and solitude bring you. You are just like me and Yohel." His face was a full on smirk.

"I am nothing like either of you. I am my own person and I am not going to let this world be dominated by you and your pathetic minions."

"I gave you the blood that is giving you all that power coursing in your body. I gave you your strength. I gave you your abilities. I would say you are an exact replica, a copycat."

"Shut up." I could feel my rage increasing. "I have more DNA then just yours, so do not take all of the credit.

"You are only able to fight me on equal ground, because I helped in the experiment you were a part of. Too bad the others did not become a success like you. I watched you for years after you escaped, which I am glad of too. If not for the outcome of that night, we would have never found perfection. To think it was inside a weak little nothing like you."

"I said shut up."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"No more words. I'm going to kill you." My voice shook with emphasis. Zooming left and right, I made my way. With every ounce of strength, I threw my body at him as we got into a hand to hand combat. One blocking, then switching it up. Both taking turns attacking. I could read every subtle shift in his momentum and understanding what his next attack would be. I was growing stronger with each attack. It seemed as though I was draining him. Everything became strikingly clear and I could mimic him. With this energy, I can imagine every move that can possibly be made. I would be able to defeat the beast within before it completely takes over. First, I had to release it all before I could vanquish its life. I was going to have to become a hollow shell once again.


How is she so strong? She is far more powerful than any of us imagined.

I looked into her eyes and they were empty. It was as though someone else was looking through them. "Quit looking at me like that."

Why am I afraid? She is just a weak little human girl. Just take away her strength that I gave her, yeah that is all I have to do.

As I wrapped my arms around her and jumped into the air, I turned her around with ease. She was not fighting back. It was as though she wanted this. I slammed her into the ground head first. Her body was still. When I let go, it fell backwards and she rolled off into the stream. Looking at Ariyah's body, it was being covered in a pale blue liquid. I watched in pure shock as the ooze picked her body up as though she were hanging from the cross. Then suddenly, my face felt nothing but pain as I wailed on the floor.


You better be thankful you were experimented on. Such a useless twerp like you who has nothing for humanity. I'm only lending you a hand this one time.


The world was invisible to my eyes and I was numb to the touch. Before anything registered, I slammed my fist to his face. I watched as the cage I was in was shrinking. My heart was pounding as it slowly cracked my ribs. My lungs are prohibiting their use and I cannot inhale. Every breath came in ragged bursts that obtained nothing. All I could do was attempt to fill the empty void. All I could do was scream and let the poisonous liquid sizzle against my body.

As he recovered, I allowed the tortuous state to consume me. My body practically became a second me with a mind of its own. One by one he attacked with different moves. Each hit and kick did nothing to harm me, nor any special abilities could weaken my strength. My body was protected while it was slowly being ate. With the last of my strength and everything in me, I scrounged up what I had left and began my final attack. This is the end and I would not go down alone. Dragging my hand in the ground and crouched down low, I ran full straight ahead. I gathered all of the attack in my left hand and prepared to strike.

Little did I know that he had an attack of his own up his sleeve. The power behind the two was so immense, that we were slung down back into the center of the crowd where it all began.



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