Chapter 4

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Hazel's POV

A lot of confessions to make I came to work this morning. I made myself look available when I was not. Money only goes so far. I needed to support myself and with my first cut I could pay my rent for the last three years. Nick was an amazing boss. Very flirty, dark and mysterious. Yet, I knew exactly who he was. I knew who his brother was and I specifically took this job so I could get to know what was happening.

"Hey." I tell Nick walking into the livingroom. He was sitting with the guys I saw yesterday he introduced me to. Liam, CJ and Timothy I remember. They a greet me back before Nick gets up and follows me to the kitchen.

"Wheres Cleo?" He asks and I shrug. "No idea." I say raising myself up on the counter with the grapes I got. I put one in my mouth and smile at him. He was so pretty. His jaw line and the way his beard connected was a work of art. His personality fascinated me. What kinda messed up abuse did he go through to be in this business.

"You look nice today." He says as a small grin appeared on his lips. My mind went back to my boyfriend. Would he approve of this? Was this cheating; flirting with someone else? Who cared. He left me a year ago. Were we even together still?

"I have a confession to make." I say biting my lower lip.

"Confession." He says running his hand through his hair as panick starts to override his emotions. "Are you feds?"

"No!" I almost chuckle. "No." He was so tense.

"Who do you work for?" He asks balling his fists. Shit. I look at him as the feeling of terrified starts to grow in me. He had issues yes. Would he ever...

"I have a boyfriend." I spill out quickly

"A boyfriend." He says releaved like all the worry just left him. I study what he wore. A casual shirt and jeans not too skinny. "Thats your confession?" He asks and he sighs getting out a glass and filling it with water. "I can't mess my business up because of a girl I just met hence the panick." He tells me

"Do I look like feds?" I ask him chuckling.

"You look 16." I say. ''I don't know what I was thinking.'' He licks his lips putting the glass down next to me.

''It doesn't bother me.'' He says standing close to me. So close his lips were at the same height as mine even though I sat on the counter. His eyes move from my lips to my eyes as he stares at me a while. ''Its complicated between me and my boyfriend.'' I tell him. His lips crush into mine. As if he was not listening to a word I was saying? I forgot my own words when his soft lips touched mine. I push him back a little and shake my head.

''I can't...'' I tell him. I was too in love with my own boyfriend to betray him like that. Even though he always did me dirty and I practically cried myself to sleep for the past year.

''I like a challenge Hazel.'' He says putting his hands in his pocket before walking back into the living room out the kitchen. Great.

Cleo comes down the stairs eventually and tells me the address of where to go to today. I checked out the stock and the trading at the warehouses here. I met with potential clients and Interviewed them basically taking out the time wasters so they could then meet with Nick themselves. When I return to the house I hear the guys voices again. They were probably still sitting around with them.

''Are you fucking her?'' I hear one of the guys say

''Nope.'' Nick responds. I stand still in the hallway. The guys all laugh. ''Seriously? Then how did you get someone on the team?''

''She needed money. She looks like a trustworthy person.'' He stands up for me.

''You're planning on fucking her.'' Another voice says and they all laugh. ''She is probably the hottest girl you have laid eyes on.'' A voice says. ''Even hotter than Meghan?''

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