Chapter 36

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Nick's POV

I watched Desi fall out of conscious as she dropped the fork. Fuck she was going to kill me. I felt so bad for doing this but I couldn't stand the thought of her getting hurt or taken away from me.

"I'm sorry." I whisper taking the cake and throwing it away before someone else accidentally ate it. I get her jacket and put it on her lifeless body. Before picking her up bridal style and carrying her downstairs.

Liam was downstairs talking to Sam and Kammy. As I walk past them Sam follows me out.

"Can you open my cardoor?" I ask him. "What are you doing? This is so wrong." He says. "Its for her own good." I say as he opens the door finally. "Why is Kammy coming too?"

"Well, unfortunately she has a target on her back too being associated with her brother but were not sure. Look I need you to go home okay? If something happens you call me." I tell him and he nods while Liam walks out carrying Kammy's bag I assume. "What is in here?" He complaints.

When we get to the house, I put Desi down in my bed. She wasn't going to wake up for a few more hours. So I go downstairs and get my gun out the safety. "So he's what? A guy with his cousin is trying to play jokes on Desi." I say loading the gun putting it in the back of my pants covering it with my shirt.

"Got a location." Tim says and I nod. "Okay problem." Cleo shouts from upstairs.

"What?" Mason says

"Desi is gone." She shouts and I look up at her drom the top of the stairs. "And she took my shoes."

"Check the cameras." I tell Tim. What was she thinking? Kammy went to bed and I'm sure she was still sleeping. I ask CJ to check on her.

"Well she took your car too." He says and I sigh. "How did she wake up so soon?" I sigh while Tim tracks my car down. We head down to this abonded warehouse where Desi left my car. So I assume she must be in there.

Liam, CJ and I got there first. I get out the car and CJ has a bat in his hand. I look at him and he shrugs. "What I'm bored of having the gun." He says and Liam laughs while I walk into the door.

My eyes land on Desi who was sitting on the chair with Cleo's white heels on.

"What's going on?" I ask kinda confused

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"What's going on?" I ask kinda confused. "Where are the clowns?"

Desi's POV

Waking up on Nick's bed I knew exactly what happened. He drugged me and got me to his house without shoes on. I hear the guys talking downstairs, as pissed as I am. I find Jake's number in my phone and call him.

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