Chapter 27

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Mason's POV

"I don't understand. Why is he in town?" I ask sitting down on the couch.

"He is a drug dealer. Trying to sell in our areas. He opened up a juicebar which is actually where his people deal." CJ says

"Really? He is selling in our city?"

"Nick's in laws. Let him make the decision." Liam teases. "I promised I wouldn't hurt her father." Nick says getting up and grabbing the pack of cards to deal them. "We can give a warning, if not... I didn't promise not to kill the rest?"

"Okay cool. Timmy find them for us. Can you make sure my future nephew/niece is safe?" I ask Nick who rolled his eyes at me. "I'm sure nobody will touch Blu, thats his daughter?" CJ says

"You live in a pretty world CJ." Tim says and I look at Tim. He was like usual staring down at his laptop. "The people Blu seems to protect are the ones trying to kill her. Tara and Dana." Cleo says

"Anyway. I think Blu should join us." Nick says

"She's pregnant." I say frowning. Was he serious.

"And good." Liam says

"I'd like to have another girl on this team." Cleo smiles.

"Did you guys forget she was the enemy 5 months ago?" CJ says. "Her loyalties are everywhere."

"I think she should. I feel like it be better for us to have her on our side." Cleo says

"That way I can protect her." Nick says

"Tim what do you think?" I ask

"I think she could be an asset. Plus, she's already trained. She just needs an upgrade." Tim shrugs

"No." Nick says. "She's pregnant. No more training especially from Cleo."

"Right." I say getting up. "I have a date."

Desi's POV

4 days later

''Oh hi, its like I never see you.'' I hear behind me. Nick's mom was smiling at me as she stood in the kitchen putting the plates down.

''Hi Mrs Adams.'' I say making her chuckle. She was taller than me. Had big brown eyes and had dark long locks falling over her summer dress which it was a bit too cold for.

''Just call me Jasmine. You're so polite.'' She smiles sitting down. ''So what you doing?'' I ask

''I feel like Nick and Mason are both ruining their lives but hey what can you do but drop by to pretend you're making them dinner to actually see whats going on.'' She says in one breath. I chuckle and sit down across of her. She seemed like a sweet lady.

''So have you settled all in?'' She asks and I nod. ''Yeah, they're pretty welcoming compared to last time.'' I say chuckling but she doesn't get my joke. Maybe because she doesn't know her sons and their friends broke my leg and kidnapped me. ''Never mind.''

''I can't believe you have my first grandchild in there.'' She smiles.

'Me neither.'' I say sighing. ''You excited?'' She asks. ''I know my son can be a handful. I mean, he wasn't always like this.''

''What do you mean?''

''When he was adopted he was all silent but after a year of blending in with the other kids his personality shined through. He was bubbly and funny and made cute comments and hugged me all the time. He talked a lot. A lot.'' She chuckles. ''He'd tell me stories he would make up and I noticed they had dark endings the older he got. At 7 when he had his first psychotic break down is when everything changed. He became distant and didn't speak much. Didn't joke around and mostly just watched the other kids play and started misbehavinh.'' She sighs and I see its hard for her. ''Its unfair on anyone to have a rough childhood let alone a psychotic illness.'' She clears her throat and smiles.

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