Chapter 41

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Nick's POV

"Hey buddy. How was your day?" I ask the 5 year old.

"Daddy!" He screams running into my arms. "I had the biggest burger ever." He says and I look at him laughing. "Mommy said not to tell you oops." He sighs. "But anyway, I wish you had the burger too... it had cheese in it."

"Thats nice. Wheres mommy?"

"Shes in the kitchen." He says as I pick him up. "Go put your pyjamas on. Its nearly bed time." I say and he nods running up the stairs.

"Hey babe." Desi says as she stood in the kitchen. She was wearing her blue scrubs meaning she was was called into surgery. "Hey." I say. "You're leaving?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"No. I'm leaving daddy." The little boy says. "I have to go now." Suddenly all dressed up with a coat and shoes on the little boy hugs me and his mother. "I'm gonna have to go." He repeats and I shake my head. "You can't leave us." I say and he nods. "I'm gonna leave." He says. "It is the way it is. You can come with me?"

"Come with you?" I ask as the sadness that came over me was taken by a little hope.

"Yeah. Come with me daddy." He says and I nod taking his hand. "No. You can't go Nick. You can't leave me." Desi says taking my hand stopping me. "I'm sorry little man." I say as he slowy disappears. "I'll see you soon daddy. I love you mommy!" He says before varnishing.

Desi's POV

On the 12th day, it became a routine. I would go to class sit in silence and then make my way to the hospital to come see Nick. I missed out any doctor appointments, any friends that I was meeting. Today, seemed the same. His siblings were all here and his mom rushed in at 5 past 7 every day in her fancy smart clothes. David would come in everyday at 2 stay for 2 hours and he'd leave and come back at 8 and then stay another 2 hours. His siblings would all come after classes and sit untill people complained about their noise and had to leave at 12. I usually left at 1, got home slept and went to classes. I know Nick would want me to do that.

"So what is up?" Alex asks as he was here last. The last person had to bring the food. "You smell funny." Luke says as Sam sits down. "I came from soccer practice. I have a game tomorrow."

"How come you never invite us anymore." Mason says

"Well last time I did nobody showed up?"

"What when?" Luke asks

"Sophomore year."

"I came." Luke says.

"Because you were a senior." Sam reminds him.

"Really?" Alex says hitting his head. "That was 2 years ago. Life was a mess then."

"It still is." Sam says referring to Nick. I've literally felt hopeless for the past 12 days. I knew Mason was still lowkey blaming me. But he wasn't angry at me anymore. The good thing about their whole anger issues was that it didnt last all day. We sat around Nick as his cuts healed and his skin was getting better. His leg fully healed but his arm was still not doing great.

Slowly as everyone was leaving I made up excuses to be last one. So that I could stay with him a little longer.

"I'm gonna go now." I say kissing his lips. Nick's machine started beeping as I panicked. "What's happening?" I ask the nurse. "His heart rate is stopping. "Whats going on?" Luke says hearing the mess probably. "His heart rate has dropped." She says. "I need you guys to clear the room." She says calling a doctor.

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