Chapter 37

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A whole week passes without anything crazy happening. I'd see Desi after her classes almost everyday except for Thursday night which she dedicated to her studying. I chill with the guys and sit around playing poker.

"So whats she like?" Liam asks

"Who?" I ask

"Your birth mother." He says and I shrug. "I have no idea. I don't really know much apart from that she was an addict." I say

"She seemed very emotional." Mason says and I nod. "Right. I give up." I say putting the cards down seeing I hit a dead end. "So does she want to get to know you?" Cleo asks

"I guess so."

"Do you want to?" CJ asks this time and it started to feel like I was being interviewed

"I don't know." I shrug. The doorbell rings and I get up since I wasn't playing. Sam was standing at the door with Sophia and I wondered why they were here at 9 oclock on a school night.

"Hey." Sam says

"Did something happen?" I ask and they shake their head. "No, we just came to talk to you."

"Okay." I say letting them. They walk to the livingroom saying hi to the guys and Cleo before they walk to the kitchen. They were being so strange.

"So whats up?" I ask. They sure didn't mess anything up because they would have told Mason and not me. "So did you speak to your birth mom?" Sophia asks and I shake my head. "No why?"

"We were just wondering if you were going back to that family?"

"Why would I do that? I'm 21." I remind Sam. "No I mean are you going to still be part of this family?"

"What are you guys talking about?" I say as Mason walks into the kitchen. I was confused whether they thought I was a child and my mom was taking me back.

"Whats up?" He asks

"We were just asking if Nick was going back to his family?"

"They're not my family." I say frowning.

"Guys, thats so sweet." Mason laughs and I look at him. "They think just because your birth mother came that you were going to be back with them. He's still going to be our brother." Mason says laughing. Were they worried I'd ditch them? I didn't even know I made such a difference to their life.

"So you're still going to be an Adams?"

"I don't even know what my previous name was." I state and Sophia gets up hugging me. "We thought you were going to leave us." I'm kinda surprised really that Sophia was being thid affectionate since we both annoyed eachother. I mean she made my life a living hell and I send her to boarding school. I was sure she wouldn't speak to me again.

Mason raises his eyebrows signalling I should hug Sophia back. I was kinda shit at these things. "I'll forever be your annoying older brother. Who is too strict." I tell her and Sam chuckles. The twins go to the livingroom and Mason just stares at me.

"So what you thinking about?" He asks

"I never really tried understanding the situation you know. I mean she was unstable but the things she went through must have been harder than what I have?"

"I think you should give this a chance. Get to see who she is and try to move forward." He says

"You think so?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah." He says and I nod slowly. "I'll think about it." He patts my shoulder a few times before he leaves the kitchen as well.

The next day I decide to contact my birth mother. She seemed to be surprised I called her eventhough she gave her number to my mother to pass to me.

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