Chapter 23

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Desi's POV

I feel two hands grabbing my waist from behind suddenly. My first instinct is the elbow this person right in the stomach. A familiar groan catches my ear making me quickly look back seeing Nick clenching his stomach. I get off from the picnic table quickly slamming my book shut.

"I'm so sorry." I say. "I thought it was some weirdo." I explain myself but he stands up straight and laughs. "Gotcha." He says

"thought I hurt you! You jerk." I say slapping his chest. "Hurt me?" He laughs and I give him a push. "You know I could if I wanted to."

"Yeah yeah... Seattles crew." He teases and I chuckle and give him another push. "What did your big head bring here?" I ask and he chuckles but I was being serious. I saw him on campus with a blonde girl. They were all laughing and she was touching him up before she gave him a book.

"Came to take you to dinner and then a party." He tells me. I didn't know what to think. Was he seeing other girls?

"Excuse me. Desi Cavanaugh?" A guy says and I look at him. He looked in his early fourties. Well dressed. Nick takes my arm and pulls me behind him.

"Whats the problem?" Nick asks.

"Nothing. I just wanna speak to her." The guy says. "And you are?" Nick asks as I step out from behind Nicks over protectiveness. "I'm Steven Buck. I'm a personal investigator for Jamie Cavanaugh."

"Jamie?" I ask. "Uncle Jamie?"

"Yes. He'd like to see you." He says handing me a letter. "Weird." I say opening the letter as the guy leaves. "This is in fucking swedish." I say annoyed.

"He's swedish?"


"So are you?"he asks anc I nod.

"Half." I tell him. "You wanna go translate tjat letter?" He asks me and I nod. "Sure. Take me forever to use google translate." I sigh handing him the letter as we leave. He calls Tim and asks him his whereabouts before we head to his house.

"Do me a favour and translate this?" He asks Tim as we walk in the house. Tim takes the letter getting up and scanning it onto his computer before he prints out an English one for me. "Youre so cool." I say looking at Tim. He wasn't your average nerdy technology type. He was more the pretty boy with the muscles

"Thanks." I say looking at the letter as he nods at me. I walk outside with Nick and sit on the steps sighing. I was a little afraid of reading the letter.

"Hey Blu,

I hope this actually reaches you rather than some guy who claims to be your husband. I hope you remember me too? Me and you stayed together in my crappy flat in Seattle when your parents died. I also hope you're well. You're not in Seattle anymore and I am worried I am not living up to the wishes of your father; to protect you at all cost. I started to look for you ever since you decided to live with those friends of yours and away from me but I couldn't get in contact with you. At 18, I decided to hire a personal investigator to come find you. I hope you're not in any harm or danger. You have always been my favourite niece and I miss the nutella jars we shared on friday nights.

Theres also another reason why I wanted to find you at 18 its because I know your father wanted to tell you something when you reached 18 but they didn't make it... So I hope you can contact me... I'll come to you. Im in New York right now.

Love, uncle Jamie."

I feel the biggest chuck sitting in my throat. I tried to swallow it but it didn't work. My stomach felt heavy and I was feeling really warm even though the sun disappeared behind the clouds. I clear my throat and look at Nick. I so wanted to shut myself up in a room and cry because I didn't cry infront of people. I just didn't.

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