Chapter 19

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Nick's POV

5 weeks later.

I haven't seen or heard from Desi since that night. I honestly didn't feel bad. I just wanted the situation to go away. If it was up to me, I'd kill those two girls. Just to spite Desi for working with them behind our backs. I trusted her and she stabbed me in the back. I was not so sure about her working with them. I mean I was sticking to this idea just to avoid trusting her again and getting played. Sam, Mason and the guys tell me she's not part of this but its hard to let that thought go. Mason gets how I feel. He's not nagging me to stop being so moody and speak to Desi.

Sam walks into the house panicked. ''Hazel.'' He says out of breath. ''What?'' Mason asks. ''Hazel is in danger. Desi told me to tell you guys.''

''Hazel?'' I ask and he nods. Mason gets up straight away. ''And... I forgot her name... Nick your ex.'' Sam says finally catching his breath. ''Did you run here?'' Cleo asks him getting off CJ's lap.

''Yeah.'' He says and I frown. ''Meghan?'' I ask and he shakes his head. ''Georgia?'' I ask and he nods. ''That one.'' He says.

''Go home.''I tell Sam who nods. ''Where are they?'' Mason asks looking at Kammy who pulled up to get Sam I suppose. ''I swear to God tell me right now.'' Mason repeats stepping forward. ''Kammy answer him.'' Sam says. ''I can't fight him off.'' He says looking at Mason and then me.

''Home.'' She says and I get in my car. Liam throws me my gun before getting in the car. We speed over there. ''They're dead.'' Mason says. ''They're dead.'' He repeats walking into the house. In the living room on the floor were Georgia and Hazel. Hazel had tears streaming over her cheeks where I suppose Georgia was more used to these proceedings. On the couch Tara and Dana sat with guns in their hands.

''I thought you were with Jackson.'' I say looking at Georgia.

''After Sven found me, I went back to be pulled back here again to New York yet again by these weirdos.'' She says. I look at Desi who walks down the stairs looks at us and just stands there looking at what was happening. 5 weeks its been. She looked breath takingly beautiful.

''You guys got a death wish.'' Mason says. ''If they move. I am shooting them in the back. They might make it but be paralyzed forever?'' Dana says. ''I wonder how you guys figured out what was happening here. You guys cannot be that good.'' Dana smiles at me specifically. ''So, I'll make it more interesting.'' She says taking the safety out of her gun pointing at Desi.  I see Tim getting his gun out of his back pocket as nobody paid attention.

''Its Georgia or Blu.'' She says. Blu looks at Dana and chuckles. ''Come on. You didn't know I opened the door to let you hear we were doing this. I could hear you sending Kammy over with their little brother.'' Dana says. I grab Desi's arm pulling her behind me quickly as I hear Tim shooting his gun. 4 gun shots went off. Tara and Dana received one each making me look down at Desi behind me who was fine.
I look at Georgia and pull her off the floor and look at her. She stared at me with big brown eyes. She was fine too. She hugs me for dear life as I look back hearing Mason's voice. I turn around.

''No!'' Mason shouts kneeling down on the floor. Hazel's blood was pouring down the floor but I couldn't believe my eyes. Her eyes shut slowly as Mason pulled her to his lap trying to talk her out of this. He was begging her to stay alive. He shouts and shouts. I felt like my feet were glued to the floor. He gets up grabbing his gun and shooting Tara who was kneeling on the floor with blood staining her shirt. He shoots her 5 times more making her fall dead straight away. Desi screams out trying to run to Mason but I grab her stopping her. I wouldn't be able to live another day if Mason killed her.

Mason kneels next to Hazel again apologising twenty times for what happened but she was gone. Her skin went pale and she was dead.

''We need to go right now.'' Liam shouts and I hear police faintly in the back. ''We need to go!'' He shouts as CJ, Tim and him pull Mason up. ''If the cops find us here. You're going to jail forever Mason. Lets go.'' Liam says as the guys drag him out. ''I need you to come with me.'' I say taking Desi's hand. ''No I need to stay. Its my house. I'll tell the police something. Tell Kammy to not come home.'' She says and Georgia follows me out.

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