Chapter 8

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Nick's POV

''Its midnight.'' Tim says as we pull up on the drive way. ''Were meeting in a house?'' CJ asks and I get out the car. ''Tim has the blueprints of this building.'' Mason says as he gets out the other car with Liam. ''Well, I will point at the exits if danger strikes. Do not go that way, go the way across it.'' He says and I nod like everyone else. ''Please. Lets not do anything stupid like start a blood bath.'' CJ says looking at me and I roll my eyes. The door opens before we could even knock. A girl, probably aged 18 opens up.

''Hi.'' She smiles. She reminded me of Sophia. That evil smile on her face. ''Are you guys delivering the pizza I ordered like 3 days ago?'' She asks.

''Kamila, please do not play games with our guests.'' A guy says standing behind her. He was about a foot taller than her. ''We have been expecting you.'' He says walking inside. ''Great.'' Liam mumbles as we follow him inside. ''Do you guys like our new house? Sorry about Kamila.''

''Your new house?'' Mason asks

''Yeah, we moved in about 5 days ago.''

''Who is we.''

''Oh you know who we are. Seattles Crew. Here on a visit but if we like it, might just stay here.'' He smiles. He had dark curls which bounced as he walked around. ''Sit down guys, please. You want something to drink?'' He asks and I look at Mason. We did not have time for games. ''By the way I am Jeremy.'' He says. ''Hello pretty.'' He says looking at Cleo. She smirks and folds her arms over eachother. ''Hi.'' She says.

''We do not wanna sit down. We do not wanna have a drink. This is a polite warning.'' Liam says

''So interesting story. This kid did a double job and stole 2 million from my boss. You might know him as 'Rex'.'' Jeremy says pouring himself a drink. ''He stole it 3 days before his brain got blown out by one of you guys.''

''Us guys?'' Mason asks.

''You were the only ones with beef. Logic.'' He smiles. ''Now, we are not stupid. We hear your stories all the way from Seattle. But, we would suggest that you either find the 2 million he stole or you pay up.'' He says. ''Hold on.'' Mason says supressing a chuckle. ''Are we your errand boys?'' He asks

''Well, you are the reason why we could not get to Rex in the first place. We heard about the skills on your team here. The brains over there.'' He says nodding at Tim. I frown knowing this was a little weird on how he knew all of this. ''So, anyway. 2 million and we return home.''

''How about you return home without the two million and never step foot back into New York City.'' Mason says making Jeremy chuckle. ''Wise words. I've been in this game a long time. Do as told or you are left with no choice.''

''I'm bored.'' I tell Mason. ''Can I?'' I ask and Jeremy laughs. I was ready to pull out the gun. ''You ask your big brother for permission?'' He asks. ''But you guys are not really blood so...'' He trails off. So?

''So. Lets get this straight. You guys come to our city with bullshit that does not concern us. You chase Hazel and now you demand our help.'' Mason asks

''Oh the car chase. Just to motivate a meet up.'' He smiles

''We'll settle the score.'' Mason says. ''Then we'll give you an answer.'' Time to finally leave. God, I was tired of watching his stupid face.

''Are you considering getting the two million?'' Liam asks as we get in the car.

''Yeah, but not for him.'' Mason smiles. ''Besides. We can take these guys out so easily.'' He chuckles. ''This is going to be more fun that I thought.'' Mason says as I rest my head.

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