Chapter 47

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Nick's POV

The party was good I would admit to that but apart Georgia and Lee sucking faces everywhere and dancing around I was actually enjoying myself. He was so pushing this into my face it was annoying. I never picked up on things like this but this was sooooo extra that even I did. Liam told me to ignore it and CJ even advised me to leave and he'd go with me.

"No. I'm okay." I say. "Its not that. He's acting like I couldn't persuade Georgia to actually come upstairs with me and fuck her on his bed too."

"Ou. If you pull that one off, I would actually pay you $20." Cleo says

"Same. Make this party a little interesting." CJ says

"Can I watch." Cleo smiles

"Thats another $50." I say and she laughs as I see Georgia go into the kitchen as her guy talks to his friends playing poker. I follow her into the kitchen and clear my troat making her turn around.

"Nick." She says. "Hey."

"Hey." I say. "Are you still mad at me from few months ago?"

"No. I'm not mad." I say looking at her blue dress that hugged her body as her blonde waves flew down her back. "When I saw you I rememebered how much I missed you." I say clearing my throat. She raises her eyebrows as I shake my head

"I shouldnt have said that." I say and she shakes her head

"You never ever told me you missed me." She says. "Its just a little strange coming from your mouth." She chuckles as she gets a water bottle out. I take her hand and pull her in making her squeel out. "Nick..." she says a little shocked. "If Lee finds us he'll kill us both."

"He won't find out." I say kissing her lips. "I can't..." she whispers. "He makes me happy."

"I can make you happy." I tell her as she stares at me biting her lower lip. She was ready to risk it all for me. I could tell by the way she was staring at me. Something deep down in me did miss her a little. I kiss her again but she break the kiss taking her out hand takig mine as she direct me up the stairs.

I shut the door behind me as she stares at me. Can't wait to rub this in Lee's face. I kiss her lips and pull her in unzipping her blue dress letting it fall on thr floor.

Twenty minutes later, I pull my shirt over my head as Georgia fixes her hair. "You can't tell a soul about this."

"I won't." I say shrugging clearly lying.

"I like this side of you Nick." She smiles. "Youre so sweet."

"I need to get back down stairs." I say eager to tell the guys.

"What?" She says. "All that bullshit about you missed me?"

"I did. Just like how you have betrayed me in the past..." I say. "How does it feel?" I ask leaving the room. "Nick!" She says as she walks aftee me. "You disgusting pig."

"Really?" I ask. "What you've done to me and my family sounds worse." I say joining the party.

"Oh maybe if you weren't such a cold hearted douche with issues I wouldn't have to." She says clearly hurt.

"Whats happening?" Mason says stepping next to me. "Hey I've been looking all over you." Lee says looking at Georgia. "Whats wrong?" He asks but as soon as she brought up my issues my vision was starting to dot away.

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