Chapter 14

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Nick's POV

I wake up the next morning and I feel like shit. I felt like everyone was pissed with me for hurting Hazel. I was almost one hundred percent sure that I wasn't losing my mind again. I needed a breath of fresh air from everyone so I headed out to go see our father. As kids we saw him like once or twice in prison before mom lost it and we were to young to go.

I sit down at the table as he walks in. No handcuffs or anything. No guard behind him.

"Nicki." He says and I look at him. "Nicki?" I say and he chuckles sitting down. "I missed you." He says. "Look at you. Grown man." He says. "I missed it all." He sighs and I just stare at him. Clean shaven, his hair was cut short. Well I assume it was shaven off and just grew back.

"So hows everything?" He asks and I shrug. "Fine I guess."

"My lawyer said I do not have to sit here another 5 years." He says and I raise my eyebrows. "Good behaviour." He says and I nod. "Thats good." I say. "So what do you plan to do when you get out?" I ask

"I don't know... Let me get out first Nick." He says and I nod. "One step at the time."

"I mean you can't practice law again."

"Yeah I am disbarred. I know Nick." He sighs. "Hows your mom?"

"I'd like to keep you guys seperate."

"Come on Nick. You're a grown man." He sighs. "Adults do things."

"If you want me to have a relationship with you then you need to let me seperate the two of you. She doesnt talk to me about you and I need you to do the same." I say and he nods. "Well thats a lot you have said compared to most visits. Usually you just stare at me." He says and I roll my eyes. "When we adopted you, you used to talk quite a lot. I think 6 months after you stopped telling us the same stories over and over and over again and you shut up."

"Did I."

"Yes." He says. "Hows Mace?"

"He's fine." I say. "He thinks I have a thing for his girlfriend. But I don't. So he assumed I need to see a doctor again."

"So how are you feeling?"

"Fine. I can guarantee you there is nothing wrong with me. No voices in my head. There is nothing. No paranoia."

"So Mason is just being over protective. You know how he is with you." My dad says and I nod looking at his orange jumpsuit.

"Make the appointment. See how you are. And prove to him you're fine."

"Yeah. I'm gonna do that." I say getting up hearing the beep. "Visiting hour is over." Some guy shouts. "Orange suits you." I joke

"Glad to hear that." He laughs. Man he got old. I nod at him as he walks back inside. I make my own appointment with Dr Banks and head there.

"Nick." She says as I sit down. "Its been a while."

"Is that a good thing or?" I ask and she chuckles. She was in her late mid fourties I guess. Been my doctor ever since I was adopted.

"Depends." She smiles. "How you been? Its been about what 4 years?" She says and I nod. "I guess."

"You were a whole lot shorter though." She smiles

"I've been okay." I say. "People think I'm getting back into old ways."

"What do you think?" She asks. "Well, I am perfectly sane." I say leaning forward on the couch. "So why are you here?"

"I'm not sure. I mean it took me a while to even recognise them... I'm doubting myself."

"Lets do some tests. Talk to me about your last few years." She says.

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