Chapter 39

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Desi's POV

I walk through the doors and see Nick and Mason sitting on the sofa. I mean thats all they did after they worked. Chill.

"Okay so you guys need to come off your lazy butts because I am throwing a surprise party for Tamara."

"Really. When?" Mason asks

"Well, it's tonight since you guys never listen. Her and Luke are out for dinner."

"So what are we invited?" Nick asks

"Its your brothers girlfriend? Why would you not come?" I ask confused hitting him with the pillow. "Also, since you guys got a lot of booze. I bought like 3 bottles." I say and Mason laughs. "So youre here for booze." He says and I shrug. "And to invite you guys to this party." I remind them laughing. Nick gets up carefully from his injured leg and walks over to me.

"Sonyou throw surprise parties now?"

"Yeah." I say smiling at him. "Might throw you one for your 22nd next week."

"Please don't. I don't celebrate my birthday." He tells me as Mason gathers the booze. "You don't?"

"We do." Mason says and I look at him. "Well I missed last years. But I'm here now. Hey." He says holding a case filled with alcohol. "You guys can help me set up." I say as we leave.

I invited a bunch of college kids and ofcourse George. I wanted our lives to be civil and normal for once. Without Nick fighting everyone. It was at my place and I cleared out the living room and I gave everyone a job to do. Can't believe Mason and Nick are helping me here.

"So thanks for helping me out." I say as Nick sits down on the couch with me. I put my legs on his lap as he pulls me in closer. "Only for you I would be blowing balloons for Tara."

"Tamara." I say slapping his chest. He chuckles and I roll my eyes. "What if Luke was calling me Daisy."

"Well I'd punch him up." He says and I laugh. "You should respect her more."

"Alright. Can we stop talking about her now." He tells me and pulls me in after a while. "So whens this party starting?"

"It can start now?" I say as I get up straddling his lap. I push my lips onto his. "What kinda party are you guys hosting?" Mason teases as he walks in with like 5 people including George. I get off Nick's lap laughing as he gets up after me.

"Hey guys." I say as Tim follows them in. "Came to set up your music." He says. "Mason said the party sounded dead."

"I completely forgot about music." I say. "Youre a lifesaver." I hug him out of excitement. I would never in a million years think about even talking to Tim but these guys were becoming my family. Tim kinda stiffens and I let go of him. "Are you okay?" I ask and he nods stepping back. Nick takes my hand pulling me into the kitchen. "You don't hug Tim." He says and I look at him wondering what he was talking about. "What?"

"It makes him uncomfortable. You can't touch him." He says and I frown. "Why?"

"First of all why are you touching someone else?" He frowns. "No. shut up." I say. "Don't twist this into your weird jealousy." I say and he sighs. "Just don't. You know were all messed up in our own ways."

"I fixed you slightly. I'll fix him?" I say and he laughs. "Fixed me? Are you serious?" He says and I roll my eyes

"Tamara is here." Mason says and I look up. I was kinda hurt Nick didn't think I had much of a positive influence in his life. "Whatever." I tell him before walking out with Mason who looks at Nick and then me. Nick follows us out and I turn the lights off and wait for the door to open before shout out SURPRISE.

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