Chapter 29

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Nick's POV

A whole week I hid out. I didn't want to see anyone and I did not want to speak to anyone. Especially about how hurt I felt. It was weird I was identifying the hurt I felt. Desi couldnt stand the sight of me and there was no longer a mini me growing inside of her. As agrevated I was with the situation I was kind of heart broken that when I did accept the fact that I got a kid it got taken away from me.

Desi didnt have to ask me whether Stefano was still breathing. She knew herself that he wouldn't as soon as he put his hands on her. I blamed Desi slightly for all this. If she would have let me protect her she would be fine. The baby would be fine. But she wanted to go upstairs and speak to him alone. Like that prick had ears to listen anyway.

I crashed the twins birthday party because I couldn't be that big of a jerk. I brought mom home putting her in bed when I felt myself sitting down on the floor next to her.

''Honey you okay?'' She asks. I know she was slightly drunk but I couldn't help but wanting to get it out of me. It has been eating me alive now. ''No I'm not.'' I tell her. ''Its my fault the baby didn't make it. What was I thinking. I could never have protected them.'' I say staring at the floor. My mom gets out of her bed and sits on the floor with me. ''I'm so sorry baby.'' She says hugging me. ''I'm sorry.'' She says again. ''But sometimes in life you cannot control everything?''She asks. ''Desi doesn't want to talk to me. She basically has sworn me off. I don't know how to function knowing I won't ever see her again.'' I tell my mom. I think my talkative ways were sobering her up. ''When a girl breaks your heart you get up and carry on because life is full of heartbreak. Give it time.'' She says and I nod getting up.

''I'm gonna head home.'' I tell her but I actually just crash in my old room.

I felt a little better talking to my mom. If Desi didn't want to see me, I was fine with that. I head out early in the morning to take care of business. I could just throw myself into work. I was thinking of opening a club. Just to make myself more occupied. Heading back to the house, I get showered and changed before walking back down the stairs.

''Nicholas.''  Mason says as I see him walk into the house. ''You're back.'' He says and I nod. ''I'm back.'' I repeat. ''Were having a meeting.'' He says walking up to me as we do our handshake. I mean I was annoyed at what he said to Desi at the hospital as she was in stress but I couldn't hold it over him?

''Look who came back from the dead.'' Liam says fist bumping me as well as the rest. ''So, whats been happening.'' I say sitting down.

''A lot.'' Cleo says as she sat next to CJ. ''That douchebag still selling in our ends. I think we should go see the deal.'' CJ says. ''Theres also a new crew emerging. Well not new. But old.''


''Remember Collins friend Scrap?'' Mason asks and I nod. ''Yeah.''

''Well him and his friends have set aside their disloyalty and started hanging around again.'' Liam says. ''I don't trust it. Scrap would have told us whats up if not, there is something fishy going on.''

''Maybe they want to take their crown back?'' Cleo says. ''Before Collin died, he was running shit. We kind of just helped them turn against eachother.'' She says and I nod. ''True. Untill those 4 revenge plans we didn't run New York they did.''

''So if we see anything booky going on. They will have to be eliminated.'' Liam says. ''Fine.'' I shrug. ''What else is new.'' I say while a silence falls.

''We kept tabs on Blu...'' Mason finally says. ''She is...''

''Stop.'' I cut him off. ''Stop keeping tabs on her.'' I tell Tim before getting up. ''I don't want to know what she is doing... Anything else?'' I ask.

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