Chapter 34

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Nick's POV

The next morning I wake up and Desi was still sleeping her hangover off. Doubt she even knew what happened last night. She was impulsive and it made me feel so vunerable. She could hurt me by just looking at another guy let alone touching him.

By the time I was back home from my meetings, I was tired as fuck because of last night's shenanigans. Desi was sitting on my bed drying her hair as I walked in.

"What the hell happened last night." She says looking up at me.

"Well you got drunk. Cheated on me to prove a point. We came home, had sex and you passed out." I summarise and her eyes widen. "What?" She asks and I chuckle. "I'm over it. You were just proving a point." I tell her and she falls back on the bed.

"I remember our dinner and talking about birth parents." She says and I nod. "You never talk about that."

"I don't talk about much." I say taking off my tie. She gets up and stops me. "I like you in a suit and tie." She says and I chuckle helping me out of my shirt. "Are you not curious if she is still alive?"

"They're not dead. I think... Well I honestly don't really care." I shrug feeling like I was suffocating with this topic. My mind went back to the problems of my early childhood. I have never spoken a word about this. Not even a therapist who got sick and tired of me. I just locked it, in the back of my head and sigh. "I'm your girlfriend... You can trust me with this." She says and I sigh sitting down on my bed.

"Look I don't remember much but getting the life kicked out of me almost every night by who I assumed it to be my father. Not really sure until now."

"And your mother?" She asks softly sitting on the floor infront of me between my knees.

"She was a... Prostitute I guess? Because I remember different guys used to come into the house and they never really even tried to hide the shit they did to her. This one night I think I must have went outside to find help as she wasn't breathing after he beat the living daily light out of her." I rub my eyes feeling annoyed thinking about this. It made me feel powerless. All over again. The misrable 4 year old. I clear my throat and look at Desi who had tears falling down her cheeks.

"I don't need you to feel sorry for me." I say getting up sighing. "This is why I don't tell people anything. They all end up feeling sad or sorry for poor little Nick."

"I don't feel sorry for you. It hurts me to think you went through that." She says getting off the floor as she walks towards me. "I'm sorry I brought this up."

"I'm gonna go out." I say grabbing a shirt since she took mine off. I walk into my closet and get a pair of sweats and some sneakers before I head out. I needed fresh air. This whole conversation got me thinking about stuff I didn't want to bother me in life. I end up walking to my dads place because I know my mothers too sensitive.

"Nick." He says almost surprised to see me.

"Hey dad." I say walking into his apartment. "How you feeling?" He asks like he could read my mind or something.

"Alright." I say looking at the apartment. It was clean which was surprising since he hated when my mother cleaned so much. It 'drove him crazy.' "The twins came to see me yesterday." He tells me and I nod. "Thats nice."

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