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Hey!!! I'm back after almost of week of not updating.

yes I finally am updating a chapter and has decided to put a schedule for every Fridays. if I don't have time on Fridays that the update will be on Sundays.

Anyways enjoy chapter 3!!!😎

*Don't forget to leave a comment/vote on this chapter, it is always appreciated*🙌🏽🙌🏽


*Previously on Until Dawn*

"Liberty!" I heard a booming voice come from behind me. We turned around to see a really tall man standing beside a short brunette woman.

"Who is this." he asked. Liberty all of a sudden got a nervous look on her face.

"Um, mom, dad, this is my friend Dawn." she introduced nervously. I plastered a smile and waved at the two. Her father was sending daggers at me while her mom was staring at liberty with disappointment clear in her eyes.

Then I finally put two and two together. I slowly turned to look at Liberty and narrowed my eyes.

"Did you tell your parents I was coming?" I whispered. She sent me a sheepish look and shook her head.



"Damn it" I grumbled as I died once again.

I'm lying on the guest bed playing Geometry Dash and I really want to throw my phone against the wall. This shit is so easily difficult I hate it.

"I pressed on my screen, why can't this phone ever register the pads of my fingers? This is what I get for purchasing a phone from those fucking assholes." I grumbled.

I turned my phone off and threw at the foot of the bed. I could hear Liberty being yelled at by her parents and it's taking me all my will power not to go down there and stick up for my friend as well as pull the stick that's currently stuck up their asses out.

Was my presence really not wanted?

Hell no, I'm fucking queen *Que Beyoncé song*

While I was basking in my own glory, I realized I haven't had anything to eat since I left. It's almost 12 in the afternoon and I'm starving.

I walked out the door when the shouting downstairs reminded me that Liberty and her parents were having a heated discussion about me.

But did I care?

Not one single bit. Zero fucks were giving once I took a step down the stairs.

Once I was on the lower level I realized I had no idea where the Kitchen was. I could hear the deep voice of Liberty's dad yelling about something but I couldn't care less.

"Guess I have to find the kitchen on my own" I whispered. I raised my head high and began sniffing. I might not have a nose as strong as a dog but when I comes to food I can smell that shit from miles away.

"That way." I smiled as I began walking in a random direction. I came up to a door and swung it open.

"W – What the –" my sense of smell was shit. Considering I'm standing in front of a person on the toilet who, by the way, was eating popcorn, I can confirm that my sense of smell is literally shit.

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