Chapter Five (You Can't!)

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Ty (POV)

I took a deep breath as my grip on the stirring wheel tightened.

I shouldn't have agreed to this, but if I didn't Ashley would get pissed.

Well it's too late now

I slammed on the brakes as I realized I passed her house. Putting the car in reverse I pulled into her driveway and stopped the car.

After one day they already Misty already invites me over, maybe she's desperate?

I shrugged as I walked up to the door softly knocked.

Almost as if she was waiting at the door it flung open right after I knocked.

"Hey Ty! Glad you decided to come!" Hannah smiled instantly pulling me inside.

From what it looked like Mitch, Jerome, and Misty were playing Minecraft, Adam and Hannah were now talking on the couch, and I was standing at the front door awkwardly.

And I couldn't seem to find any or her other friends like Faith, Katelyn, ect.

Is this what they do for fun? Play video games and sit around and talk?

Usually with Ashley we always go out and do something.

Suddenly a felt a hand on my shoulder spin me around.

It was Adam...

"Hey Ty, we need to talk!" He said with a fake smile as he pushed me into another room.

"What are you doing!" He snapped staring at me intensely. "You know you can't be doing this!"

"T-trust me its f-fine" I stuttered fear washing over me.

Not only does Adam tower over me he also has a much better build then me, meaning he can crush me without even trying.

"No it's not fine and you know that! If Ashley tells anyone it will effect me to ok!!" He yelled.

"Sh-she won't tell because she's making me do this!"

His face suddenly went blank. "That doesn't make any sense"

"It makes complete sense" I said, "She knows Misty is desperate to break her group apart so she wanted me to go undercover like Misty did last year as Crystal. She knows Misty would instantly accept me if I wanted to join so..."

An awkward silence swept over us as he thought about what to say next.

"If it means Ashley stays quite, I'll help you stay undercover" He sighed avoiding eye contact with me.

He'd turn against his friends to just keep this little secret? "The secret isn't that big of a deal..." I mumbled.

His head suddenly jerked up. "Maybe It would affect me a lot since I'm more popular but you'll get teased for the rest of high school! And what if Hannah finds out!"

He was probably right, I would get made fun of forever. But I've only hanging out with Misty for a few days and I already like her more than Ashley.

"You still shouldn't do this. You're a good guy now, you don't want to been seems as a bully again" I said staring up at him.

"I'm not letting this secret get out, I'm sorry" He mumbled. He opened the door and walked out leaving me stunned...

Adam (POV)

For the rest of the time the gang hung out me and Ty seemed to avoid interaction.

There seemed to be enough tension around us it was almost unbearable.

I just sat on the couch, watching Hannah and Faith play video games while the conversation with me and Ty played over and over again in my head.

Suddenly I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder. I jerked my head to the side to see Misty standing over me.

"Adam can we talk for a second?" She asked.

I just nodded and followed her into the kitchen. "How come you and Ty don't seem to be getting along" She asked.

Some how I knew Misty would be able to figure out that something was wrong. "What do you mean?" I asked, "There is nothing wrong"

She seemed to develop a stern a look as she a demanded, "Tell me what's going on, cause I know you'll never get this resolved on your own"

She is kinda right, I am pretty silly but I can also be very stubborn. But I can't tell her, if I tell her she will want to know the secret and possibly ratting out Ty meaning Ashley will tell the secret.

"I-I can't" I mumbled, "I know what will happen if I do and it won't end well"

"Does it have to do with Ty being undercover?" She asked with an almost 'Yah I know' kind of smirk.

"H-how?" I asked.

"Ty confessed about being undercover and asked if I'd forgive him and give him a chance to really be our friends. When I asked why he confessed he said that you knew and he didn't want you to have to lie for him" She said sitting down on the counter top. "Also he mentioned something about a secret, do you wanna tell me or is it really as bad as you think"

I had to smile at how satisfied she was with herself. She really knows how to get to the bottom of a problem.

"I just don't know how you'd react. I don't know if you'd judge me for it or stop being my friend or..." I cut myself short as imagined what could happen.

"Last year Jerome almost turned on us yet I forgave him, all of my friends were tricking me the whole time yet I forgave him, and I've forgiven four people who abused me in high school. Why would I do anything different now?" She said staring at me with probably the sweetest eyes I've ever seen.

I exhaled sharply before I came over to her and whispered in her ear.

Her eyes grew wide and I winced thinking she'd be disgusted but her mouth suddenly formed a wide smile, stretching ear to ear.

"Why are you so ashamed by that! There is nothing wrong with that!" She said wrapping her arms around me in a hug.

"Y-you're happy?" I asked in shock.

"Of course! It makes you unique! And I feel like I know so much more about you just by that" She beamed.

It almost felt like a heavy weight was lifted off of my chest as I let out a sigh. "I'm so glad you think that"

"Now there is just one thing, are you going to tell the others or let the word get out by Ashley?" ...

(A/N: I kinda felt like Misty should know the secret but no y'all, so sorry! I just felt like leaving y'all thinking for a bit longer ;). Also check the description, I added something and if you spot it out you might have an idea about what might happen in a few chapters)

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