Bored Equals Contest!

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I'm super pumped that we got 2k already, but I'm kinda having a writers block and I'm bored, so I'm doing something I did in my first Bullied by Team Crafted!

I'm going to give you the opportunity to be in the book! First there are a few requirements which I will check, so don't lie.


1. Must be following me
2. Must be willing to let me do what I want with the character
3. Must vote for all the chapters so far
4. I want your character to be like you, not fake like Misty
5. You have to be a bully for the future book development
6. Not really required because some people can't, but one of my YouTube videos are above and it would mean a lot of you subbed. The channel is CocoWuffle!

Ok, so now you need to fill out the forum! Down below are all of the things you need to fill out. I'm very picky about this so please, please make it one big comment!

If you comment on every damn one, I'm trashing the forum. It's annoys me a lot!



Hair Length:
Hair Color:
Hair Style:

Eye Color:

Skin Tone:


Accessories (Like Glasses/Braces/Ect.):

Clothing Style (Tomboy/Girly/Ect.):



Crush (May not be used):

The winner will be picked out on July 10th or earlier if there's one I really like.

Have fun!

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