Chapter Nineteen (Everything Comes Crumbling Down)

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(A/N: So this is mostly a filler chapter because I needed some more tension and I couldn't leave y'all without and update so I apologize if y'all don't like it, but I'm working on a real book idea rn instead of a fanfic and it's hard XD! Love Majestic <3)

Misty (POV)

It's strange how one second you have everything and then it all comes crumbling down.

I had gotten so used to walking into school to find all my friends there waiting for me and now it feels like the hallways are bare. No one here for me...

I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere.

Jerome, Adam, Ty, and Mitch were all by Adam's locker, but I doubt they even knw about what happened between Jerome and I and would be confused about how awkward I'd act around him.

Preston, Vikk, Lachlan, Rob, Ashley, Tasha and some of Ashley's old friends like Ian and Quentin were hanging out, but I don't think I have the guts to face Preston after I shut him out all weekend and ignored him.

Finally I spotted Hannah by her locker and ran over to her before she could join Jerome and them while waiting for some of the girls like Katelyn and Alyssa.

"Hannah hang out with meeeeee!" I whined as I grabbed her shoulder, causing her to jump.

"Misty! Don't sneak up on me like that!" She grunted, closing her locker. "I was about to come over to y'all, I just needed to grab my books and binder."

I sighed, forgetting she knows nothing about the events of the past few days. "I'm not talking to Jerome or Preston right now and I want some company, so I snatched you."

She looked at me confused, "Why aren't you talking to Jerome! What happened? And what does Preston have to do with any of this?"

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to answer any of these questions. "I don't want to talk about it right now."

She just stared at me blankly before looking over my shoulder. "I guess you have to talk about it because Jerome is walking up to you right now."

I felt my shoulders tense up as heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't dare look backwards.

I don't want to do this right now.

"I'll be right back Hannah," I said, hoping to get away from Jerome, but before I could take a single step, I felt a hand grip my shoulder.

I knew it was Jerome because he had always had a strong grip and I knew I wouldn't be able to shake off his hand.

I slowly turned around, trying to stare him in the eye without tears slipping through the facade of confidence I was displaying.

"Look we really need to talk and-"

I pushed at his arm as hard as a could, giving him the memo to back off as he pulled his arm off my shoulder.

"There is nothing to talk about." I tried to say calmly even though I was clenching my teeth as hard as could to keep an outburst of anger or tears at bay.

"No please, the first time wasn't me. She leaned in and kissed me and I didn't even know what was happening and-"

I quickly cut him off, a wave of anger and shock hitting me like a slap in the face.

"Th-the first time?"

He gulped, realizing his mistake.

"I just, I didn't know what to do and I felt so hurt when you left so I just kinda..."

I could now feel my blood boiling, it felt like my face was about to become as red as the strands in my hair.

"You felt hurt?!" I snapped, causing everyone in the hallways to become dead silent and stare at me in shock.

Who would've thought, the little girl like me in the relationship would be the one yelling.

Jerome just stood there embarrassed as Preston approached us, pulling me into his chest. I could feel the heat radiating off of him as he spoke to Jerome in a cool, collect voice.

"I think you should go talk to your other friends." He said, staring daggers at Jerome.

"I just, I just wanted to-"

I could feel Preston tense up as Jerome was cut off once again. "I think you've done enough."

With that, Preston pulled me over towards his friends as I watched Jerome sulk away.

This isn't how I wanted my friendships to be like. For me to bring everyone together, just to tear them all apart.

"Are you okay?" Preston asked in a soothing voice, holding each of hands with his.

I just nodded, not wanting to talk to him right now. Just by looking at his eyes I knew he cared deeply, which only makes everything hurt more.

I slowly looked away.

Everything about him makes my heart ache for him, but after all Jerome did I can't help but feel like a piece of me still wants him.

What's wrong with you Misty, you're the worst of them both. All you do is lead them on.

I knew the bell was about to ring, signalizing it was time for homeroom, so I quickly looked at him, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

"I'll call you later, I need your help."

With that, I slid my hands out of his and walked to homeroom.

I was sick of this heart ache, I was sick of having my life revolve around these two guys. I want to be able to hang out with all of my friends.

Talk to everyone. It feels like I haven't talked to Adam, Ty, Mitch or anyone enough in awhile.

I needed to pick one or the other guy or maybe none at all, I needed to bring my two groups of friends together once and for all.

I need to do something absolutely crazy if I ever want to break this endless loop of sadness in my life.

And I know exactly what needs to happen...

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