Chapter Ten (Not Ashley's Doing)

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Misty (POV)

Although I was in a pissy mood, Hannah invited me to the park to feed the ducks.

For some reason, every spring, Hannah loves to buy at least three loads of bread and feed as many ducks as she possibly can.

One time she got thirty five ducks to show up in one pond!! They were surrounding her and some even got into a fights over a slice of bread she dropped!

I was driving over to the pond we always meet at when I see her carrying at only her purse.

Did she really only bring one thing of bread? For her, that's insanely low.

I just shrugged, grabbed my small Coach purse and ran over towards her.

Already I was feeling happier then when I sitting at home.

My converse were sliding in the wet dewy grass and the wind felt great as it blew across my long wavy hair.

The only problem was mud was splashed on the back of my Pinkie Pie shirt.

"Hey bro!" I said, jumping on Hannah's back.

She playfully grunted as she spun around before putting me down.

"Let's sit on the bench a wait for a few ducks to arrive" Hannah laughed pointing to the closest bench so we could watch the pond.

We usually always race to the bench, even though I always win, but for some reason she just let me sit down first.

"I'm going to go ahead and get the bread out of my purse" She smiled setting her purse on the ground and looking through it.

I playfully stared swinging my legs back as forth as I waiting for Hannah.

Suddenly, before I could react, I felt something cold and metal touch my wrist with a click sound following it.

I quickly jerked my head towards Hannah to see my wrist handcuffed to the bench.

"HANNAH! What the hell are you doing!" I yelled, yanking my wrist, only causing it to hurt.

"Doing you a favor" She said, looking behind me. "Preston, you can come out now"

I could already feel my blood boil as I saw a way to familiar fire beanie peek to the left of a tree.

"You've got to be kidding me" I sighed as I realized Hannah tricked me.

I should have known the second I saw she didn't have like 10,000 bags of bread.

"What do you want you dirty scumbag" I growled as he sat far away so I couldn't punch him.

"Well that was a friendly greeting" He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Well we aren't friends, if you wanted a friendly greeting go meet up with Ashley" I snapped.

"Look you're staying here Misty until you make up with Preston or at least listen to what he has to say" Hannah said sternly, putting her hands on her hips.

"Fine, but I'm only agreeing to this because I'm handcuffed" I growled trying to move my wrist around.


For what felt like hours I remained handcuffed to this stupid bench as Preston tried his best to explain without me interrupting.

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