Chapter Twenty-One (The Game Master)

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Preston (POV)

"God dammit Misty, you're so unbelievably annoying!"

I couldn't help but yell at no one in particular as I read the note that was handed to me when I entered the Library building with the address Misty told me to go to.

There was no reason for me to be here, no reason at all, but in Misty's words -or should I say writing- "No mystery is fun unless there is a little suspense, I couldn't have you all going to the same address to begin with now could I?".

So yes, here I was, back in my car again, driving to a location and thirty minutes away from the first location of this wild goose chase.

Annoyed, yet slightly amused considering everyone else shared my same fate, I almost didn't feel the slight vibration buzzing from my left pant pocket.

Voice call from La-Chan

I swear I snicker every time I see his contact name. I decided to change it from Lachlan to La-chan after Jerome's friend (who only goes my Tewtiy cause we have only Skype'd him before and that's his YouTube name) legitimately thought Lachlan's name was pronounced "La-chan".

Well that was of course the brief period that Jerome and I could tolerate each other and our groups hung out.

I felt a small pit in my stomach, only for a brief second before I slid my thumb across the answer button on my phone.

"Hey, have you gotten the letter from your first location yet?"

Lachlan's voice sounded a tad bit excited, like he had something he wanted to tell me.

"Yeah, I just started driving to the new location about five minutes ago."

"Okay well get this, I decided to look up the address online to see what it was and besides directions, nothing pops up. It just shows a black box where the building should be on maps."

That's strange, then where could we be going?

"How does that even happen?"

Lachlan simply sighed, "I honestly have no idea, but you better get here quick. I don't want have to have to be around these certain people longer then I have to. Those few minutes of us opening Misty's letter was bad enough, I don't know if I would be able to survive any longer then that."

My foot naturally pushed a little harder down on the pedal. Lachlan was right, the faster everyone gets there, the faster we can get this over with.

"Will do, I should be there in ten to fifteen minutes."


By the time I got to the address, saying I was confused was an understatement. I was one of the last people to arrive and by the time I got there everyone was standing in front of a very peculiar building.

It was a very small, black, compact structure, sitting shorter then every other building around it. The windows were such a dark tint of black, you couldn't see through them since the inside lights were off.

It appeared that there used to be letters above the single door entrance, but they had been painted over with another layer of black, then crosses out with a red X.

"Well I'm getting some serious eery vibes from this." I said as I met up with the group.

"You're not the one who's been standing her for twenty minutes waiting for someone to catch up." Jerome mutter under his breath, but it was quite enough for me to catch it.

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