Chapter Eight

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A/n: I'm sorta going by Gold in the game, cause I don't really know his personality in the manga


"Glaceon, wake up! We gotta get going if we're going to make it to Violet City by night!" I opened my eyes to see a pair of gold ones staring back at me.

"I'm up, Gold, I'm up." I said, pushing him away from me as I sat up.

"Hurry up and get ready!" Gold said, bouncing slightly with impatience. He was already dressed in his normal red jacket, brown pants, white and red shoes, and black and yellow hat, which was on backwards. His Marill was standing beside him.

"Give me more than three seconds, please." I got up off the couch and stretched, then pulled on my teal hoodie over my white tanktop. After yanking on my black shoes, I put on my backpack, which was already packed with berries, clothes, and Espeon's pokeball. Espeon had woken up and was standing by me.

"Ok, I'm ready." I said, brushing some stray stands of bright blue hair out of my face.

"Oops, I forgot something!" Gold said suddenly, then bolted up the stairs to his room. I facepalmed. Leave it to him to be in a hurry, then forget something.

He came back down carrying a phone-like device. I had one just like it.

"I almost forgot my Pokegear! Let's register each others' number." He suggested, so we did.

"So, are you ready now?" I asked.

"Of course! Let's go!"

After saying goodbye to Gold's dad, we left his house and headed for route 29 with our pokemon trotting by us. Route 29 was the same road I had been running for my life on about a week ago.

After I had crashed into the side of Gold's house, his dad had taken me and Espeon in and took care of us. My cuts from the Gligar's attack were now just barely scabs. Since I had nowhere else to go, I had been living in their house since then. Now, Gold was headed out on a journey to collect all the gym badges, and I decided to go with him. Staying in one place wasn't really my thing.

As we walked by Professor Elm's lab, I noticed a boy who had red hair and was wearing a dark blue jacket, purple pants, and black shoes was standing next to the building, looking in the window. His silver eyes were cold and hard.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Gold, not wanting the boy to hear.

He shrugged. "Dunno, never seen him before. He looks pretty shady, though..."

As I glanced over at him, I realized he was looking at me, and our eyes met. When our eyes met, I got this strange feeling, almost as if I'd met him before.

We continued down route 29, and soon we got to the next town, Cherrygrove City. I could smell the sweet scent of flowers before we even got there.

All of the sudden, someone crashed into me from behind, knocking me to the ground and landing on top of me. Thankfully, they leapt up immediately, and I scrabbled to my feet.

"Could you watch where you're going?!" I growled, facing the person. It was the red-haired boy we'd seen outside the lab. His eyes flashed with anger.

"Maybe you two shouldn't take up the whole path!" He snapped.

"Um, we aren't." Gold said, motioning to the open area next to him.

The boy rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. This is a waste of time." He pushed past us, heading towards Cherrygrove City.

I notice a card laying on the ground, and I picked it up. It was the boy's ID.

"Hey, Silver!" The boy froze when I said his name. "You might want this!" I couldn't help but smirk.

Silver stormed back over and snatched the card out of my hand, then took off again.

"Well, that was weird." Gold said as we continued walking.

"Yeah, it..."

Right then Gold's Pokegear started to ring. He picked it up.

"Hello? Professor Elm? What?! No, we haven't seen anyone with a Weavile... I'll call you if we do... ok, bye." He hung up.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"Someone with a Weavile robbed someone's house! We'll have to keep an eye out for... Wait a second! I bet it was that Silver kid! I better call Professor Elm..."


He gave me a confused look. "Why not?"

"We don't even have proof it was him."

"Oh, right..."

After that, I pretty much forgot about the red haired boy. We passed straight through Cherrygrove City, since our pokemon didn't need healing, and went ahead on route 30, then route 31. It was pretty uneventful.

Finally, we got to Violet City just as the sun was beginning to sink below the horizon. We headed to the pokemon center, and we both rented a room. I took my key from the nurse and headed towards my room.

"Goodnight, Gold." I said.

"Goodnight." He replied, going to his room, which was down the hall a bit.

I went into my room and sat down on the white bed. The walls were painted light pink and there was a nightstand by the bed.

I took off my bag, shoes, jacket, and gloves. Then, I got into bed, and Espeon curled up at the foot of the bed. I soon fell fast asleep.

Glaceon the Human [Original Version] (Pokemon Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now