Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Finally, we're here!" I cheered.

After going back to New Bark Town, then through route 27 and 26, we got to Victory Road. And after a three day trip through the giant glorified cave, we had finally gotten to Indigo Plateau, and were standing in front of the Pokemon League.

"It's huge." Gold said, looking at the building.

"Well, let's go in!" Lyra said, starting to go up the stairs. Gold and I started to follow, when my Pokegear started ringing.

"Go on in." I said, fishing my Pokegear out of my bag. I flipped it open and answered, putting it up to my ear.


"Hey... It's Silver." A familiar voice said. I nearly dropped the Pokegear.

"How the heck do you have my number?" I asked.

"Not important. I need... some help." He ground out, obviously annoyed to have to ask for help. I snorted.

"You really think that after what happened in the pokemon center, I'm going to help you? Find someone else."

"I don't know anyone else, stupid! You really think I would have called you if I had other options?" He snapped.

"Maybe I'll help, just depends on the problem."

"It's Team Rocket, they're on Mt. Silver. I'm there right now, and I overheard some stuff. They're going to somehow use your power to summon a pokemon or something. All I really know is that it doesn't sound good."

"Team Rocket? Can't you take care of those losers yourself?"

"There's at least twenty grunts, plus Giovanni. Again, I wouldn't have called you if I didn't need help." I sighed. Even though I was still angry at Silver, I wasn't going to let Team Rocket take over the world or something because I don't want to be near him.

"Ok, ok, fine. I'll be there as soon as possible, which could be a few hours or a few days, depends if I can get a pokemon from Gold or Lyra. Just don't get caught or do anything stupid. "

"Whatever." He hung up. I sighed again. Stupid Team Rocket always ruined my plans.

I headed into the Pokemon League, where Lyra and Gold were waiting.

"Guys, I have to go the care of some Team Rocket problem." I said.

"What? You just got out of the pokemon center not that long ago, you shouldn't be going and messing with them again!" Gold exclaimed.

"If I don't, then they are most likely going to take the over the world. I really don't want to let Silver kill me." They both gave me a look, but didn't say anything. "But do either of you have a flying type I could use? I really don't want to go through Victory Road again."

"You can use my Pidgeot." Lyra said, handing me a pokeball.

"Thanks, Lyra." I smiled at her.

"Be careful, ok?"

"I will. Promise." With a quick wave, I went back outside and sent out Lyra's Pidgeot.

"Can you take me to Mt. Silver?" I asked. It blinked, and with a squawk, grabbed my backpack in it's talons and took off.


"Alright, awesome job Pidgeot. Now, return." I lightly tapped the bird pokemon's head with the pokeball, and it turned to red light and was sucked inside.

We had landed on a ledge not to far below the summit. I had seen Team Rocket as we landed, and I could hear voices.

But now I had to climb up the side of the mountain from the ledge to the summit. I looked and saw that the the surface of the mountainside was ridden with cracks and crevices that I could use as hand and footholds. But it was so icy and cold that my hands were already going numb.

"Let's do this." I said to myself, shoving my foot into the lowest crack before grabbing onto a higher one and pulling myself up. I continued climbing until finally, my hands and nose numb, I got to the top. I pulled myself up and found myself face-to-face with several Team Rocket grunts.

"We've been expecting you." One sneered.

"Hooray." I muttered.


A/N: Alright, I can't belive I've finally gotten this far! Once I finish this book, it will be the first book I've EVER finished!

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