Chapter Six

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The next morning, I woke up before Silver and snuck out of the room, heading off to get coffee from the cafe. I kept a sharp eyes out for Team Rocket, just in case. When I got back, the redhead was still asleep.

"Silver! Wake up~!" I sang, setting the cups of coffee on the nightstand and shaking him gently. He yawned, rolling over and ignoring me. "Pft. Fine, no coffee for you."

"Alright, I'm getting up." He sat up, snatching the cup out of my hand. I laughed, watching him sip it.

"Oh, I almost forgot--" I leaned forward, and planted a kiss on his cheek. "--thanks, you know, about last night." He nearly choked in surprise, turning scarlet.

"I-I, uh, I said i-it was nothing!" He spluttered. I giggled, taking a gulp of my coffee.

"Well, it wasn't 'nothing' to me. So deal with it."

"Whatever..." He avoided my gaze, still blushing.

"C'mon, let's go walk outside. It's amazing out." He just nodded, setting down his coffee to pull on his jacket. Together, we left the Pokemon Center, returning the room key, and headed down the sidewalk.

Soon we came to a busier area of town, and had to dodge people coming down the sidewalk. It was very peaceful. I intertwined my fingers with Silver's. He squeezed my hand, and when I glanced at him, he almost looked happy for once.

But, suddenly, there were screams of panic coming from behind us. We whirled around, just to see a car driving down the sidewalk, driver most likely drunk. And it was meer feet from us.

For Arceus' sake, why me?

I shoved Silver, who let out a shout, out of the way, and barely had time to blink before the bumper of the car smashed into me. I flew backwards, hitting the ground hard. My head hit the concrete, and I blacked out immediately, the last thing I heard being Silver screaming my name.


My head hurt. Why did my head hurt?

I blinked, finding myself looking up at a ceiling. Glancing around, I saw I was in the Pokemon Center. What had happened?

Then I remembered. I had been hit by the car coming down the sidewalk. But why hadn't I gotten out of the way? I couldn't remember that. Strange. In fact, I couldn't remember that last few days at all.

"How are you feeling, dear?" The pink haired nurse appeared in the doorway, and I smiled.

"Fine... I just... can't remember something." She frowned.

"You hit your head pretty hard. You're lucky you didn't crack your skull open. It is quite possible have Disassociative Amnesia. You may lost some of your memory, maybe even of a lot of your life. What do you remember about the last few days?"


"What about when your were a child?"

"We... we had to move a lot. And... my parents are dead." Team Rocket killed them.... why? Oh, right! My powers! I couldn't tell the nurse about that... "And... I've been in Johto since I was ... uh, thirteen. I have an Espeon!"

"Well, it seems you remember most of the important things. The rest will come back on its own, or if something triggers the memory."


"One last question. Do you know anything about a boy with red hair?"

"A boy... with red hair?" I thought a minute. "Nope."

"Ok, that's it. You'll be released by tomorrow, alright dear?"

"Sounds great. Thanks."

"No problem, just doing my job."



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