Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning Gold and I decided to go to Ecruteak City right away, so we were there fairly early.

"I totally have to go to the Burned Tower!" I squealed with excitement.

"Why?" Gold asked.

"It used to be a shrine to Lugia, but one day it caught fire, and the pokemon were killed in it. But, then they were turned into the legendary pokemon Suicune, Entei, and Raikou. It all happened in the Burned Tower. I just love legends and myths..."

"Sounds cool. But I'm going to the Dance Theatre."

"I bet you're just going so you can gawk at the Kimono Girls."

"No I'm not!" He blushed.

"Whatever, I'm heading down to the Burned Tower. I'll see you later." I laughed, then jogged towards the tower, which I could see from where I was standing. Espeon ran beside me, seeming as excited as I was.

I went through the charred doorway, and carefully walked across what was left of the burnt floor. There was a gaping hole in the middle of the room and in the roof.

"Isn't this cool, Espeon?" I asked, gazing up at the ceiling.

After spending an hour exploring the tower, we left, went to the nearest little restaurant and got some lunch. I fed Espeon some berries, then called Gold.

"Hello?" He said as he picked up.

"Hey, where are you?" I asked.

"Still at the Dance Theatre."

"Are you trying to ask one of them out?" I teased.

"No! I said I wasn't doing that kind of stuff! In fact, I'm being attacked by Team Rocket."


"They know that I know you, and they asked where you were. Hold on a sec... Marill, use hydro pump! Ok, so continuing my story, I didn't tell them, and now they're attacking me."

"Why didn't you call me earlier?! Arceus... I'll be right there."

"Ok, just be careful."

"See you in a minute." I hung up and immediately took off running towards the theatre. I burst through the doors, ready for battle.

Gold was facing a group of eight Team Rocket grunts, and all of them had a Golbat, but two were already defeated. They were attacking viciously, and Gold was fighting back with both Marill and Cyndaquil, one of his other pokemon. I hurried up onto the stage and joined him.

"Marill, use water gun, and Cyndaquil use flamethrower!" He shouted. Marill shot a stream of water at a Golbat while Cyndaquil shot a stream of fire at another.

"Espeon, use psybeam!" I yelled. She attacked another Golbat, and all three attacks took out a Golbat, leaving only three more.

"Alright, same attack!" Gold and I said simultaneously. We knocked out the last three Golbat, and Team Rocket retreated.

"I can't believe they attacked you." I muttered, sitting on the edge of the stage.

"They know that I'm traveling with you." Gold replied, sitting next to me.

"Yes, I know. We have to stop traveling together. It's too dangerous." I said suddenly.

"What?! That's even more dangerous!"

"Not for you. If I stop traveling with you, they'll leave you alone."

"I'm meant for you, not me!"

"The thing is, they won't hurt me, but they will hurt you." I sighed. "I'll call you and you can call me, but we won't talk in person for a while."

"Fine, we can split up."

"Alright. So I'm going to leave for Olivine City, and you haven't battled the gym yet, so you'll be behind me."

"Ok, that's sounds good." Gold replied, but I could sense some sadness in his voice.

"Look, I really don't want to have separate, but I don't want you to get hurt." I said, rubbing his shoulder.

"I'm still worried."

"Trust me, I've spent almost my whole life avoiding those nitwits. I'll be ok."

"I know."

"Well, I guess I better get going if I want to get to Olivine City before dark."

"Ok, bye."

"Bye." I got off the stage, and Espeon and I left the theatre, then headed to route 38.

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