Chapter Fifteen

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"This is freaking crazy." Silver muttered, staring down and watching the water rush by.

"Quit being negative! This is awesome!" I laughed.

Yes, the idea I had come up with was crazy, but so far it was working. Espeon was riding Silver's Feraligator across the water and using psychic to move us along with them. I found it exhilarating to fly above the water, but apparently Silver didn't.

"Do you even know how to have fun?" I asked. He didn't answer and just kept staring down, looking like he was thinking about something. Strange.

Finally, we got to Cianwood City. Espeon let us down on the shore and I fed her some berries while Silver returned Feraligator.

"I'm going to go look around." Silver said, walking off.

"Um, ok."

It was getting close to sunset, so I strolled around town for a bit, going into the pharmacy and gym and keeping an eye out for Team Rocket grunts or anything that looked suspitious. When I didn't find anything, I went to the pokemon center and rented a room. I laid on my bed and read a book for a while, until I dozed off.


The next morning, I went out to a cafe and got some coffee, drinking it outside the Pokemon Center and waiting for Silver to come out. But soon I finished my coffee, and there was still no sign of him.

"How late does he sleep in?" I grumbled, going into the Pokemon Center and up to the desk.

"May I help you?" the nurse asked politely.

"I was wondering if a boy with red hair checking in last night."

"No, in fact, there was no one but you."

"Alright, thanks..." Confused, I left. If he didn't stay at the Pokemon Center, then where in the world did he go?

All of the sudden, I saw two men and a woman in black uniforms, the all-too familiar black 'R' on their chests. I quickly hid behind the nearest house and listened to what they were saying.

"We got him, and we're bringing him now." The woman said into a walkie-talkie.

"Good, now we have one target captured." one of the men said, grabbing something, apparently someone, and hauling them to their feet. I recognized the mane of red hair instantly.

Oh, great. Silver got himself caught. His hands were tied, and he glared at the grunts with pure hatred.

"You're all weak and pathetic." He spat, and the grunt punched him, making his head snap to the side.

"How many time do I have to tell you to shut up?" The grunt growled, shoving him forwards. "Now walk!"

"Espeon, go and use Hypnosis on those grunts." I said quietly, and my purple Pokemon nodded before running out towards them.

"Hey, an Espeo--" Espeon shot yellow rings of light right into the grunt's face, and his eyes closed as he collapsed, snoring. She repeated with the other two grunts, and soon all three were fast asleep. I ran out of my hiding spot and up to Silver, finding the knot on the rope around his wrists and untying him.

"Thanks," He mumbled, rubbing his wrists. "Even though I could've gotten away by myself." I rolled my eyes and inspected his face. He had a split lip, and would probably have bruise by noon, but other than that he was fine.

"Cmon, let's just get out of here before they wake up." I said, and he nodded in agreement. "Wait, I have a question. Why didn't you go to the Pokemon Center last night? Where were you?"

"I'm don't have money. I slept outside." He replied, as it if was completely normal. I frowned.

"We're a team. If you need money, I have plenty."

"I'm fine." He snapped, looking irritated.

"Alright... Just... just remember it, ok?"



A/N: This is my last update before I go to camp, which goes until Friday. I will write while I can, though, and I'll update by next Sunday.

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