Chapter Twenty-One

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Fortunately, we got to Blackthorn City fairly quick and went straight to the pokemon center.

As it turned out, Silver's leg was broken, so we ended up waiting five weeks before we could break into Team Rocket's base while it healed. The base wasn't far from the city. Gold beat the gym, and he left for the Pokemon League with Lyra.

But the five weeks gave Silver and I plenty of time to plan. We found out that Team Rocket's base was just outside of the town, and together we made a plan to break in.

In my opinion, we also became more of friends. He was actually nice most of the time, although we still picked on each other.

Finally, after Silver's leg completely, healed, we headed out to the Team Rocket base.


"You ready?" I asked. Silver nodded, and climbed in the window. As soon as he was out of sight, I pulled myself through the window and followed him.

Sticking to the shadows the best I could, searched for where Team Rocket's computer. Finding it was easy, seeing as there was a door labeled 'Computer Room'.

There wasn't a guard, so I slipped inside. After locating the computer, I turned it on and plugged in a flashdrive. There was no password for the computer, so I was in right away.

While Silver was breaking the machine, I was stealing all the files on the computer about the machine, so they had no way to rebuild it, at least not for a long time.

I searched through the whole computer, moving all files about me, my powers and the machine onto the flashdrive. To my surprise, there were lots.

After I finally finished, I shut down the computer and turned to leave, when suddenly the door burst open. A man in black came in, pushing Silver in front of him. He had a firm hold on Silver's hair and a Seviper had its lethal tail pressed against his throat. Oh snap. This was not good.

"Giovanni." I hissed. He gave me a smirk.

"Glaceon. Long time, no see." Giovanni replied. "Now, hand over the flashdrive, or I'll kill him."


A/N: MWAHAHAHAHA ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER! sorry that it's really short, though.

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