Chapter Three

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"Glaceon! Silver is here!" My mom's voice woke me up, and I jumped out of bed excitedly, changing out of my pajamas and into a white t-shirt that had blue Butterfrees on it and jeans. He actually came!

"Coming!" I shouted back, brushing my tangled hair, then headed off to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

As I finished, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and I exited the bathroom to find Silver waiting at the top of the staircase.

"Hey, you came!" I greeted him, smiling.

"Hey." He was shivering a little. "It's really cold out today."

"It is? Well, do you want to play inside instead? I just got the game Pokemon Battles 3 for the PokeStation."

"Sounds fine."

"Cmon then." I lead him to my room, and we went inside. The walls were painted pink, and my bed had pink and purple sheets. There was a small TV sitting on a stand, which had drawers for holding video games. My PokeStation sat beside the TV.

"Girly." He commented, wrinkling his nose.

"In case you didn't notice, I'm a girl." I rolled my eyes, turned on the TV and PokeStation, then pulled the game out of a drawer and put it in. "And I happen to like pink."

The title screen for the game popped up, and I plopped down on the floor in front of the TV, grabbing a controller. Silver sat down beside me, also picking up a controller.

"You are going down." I taunted. He half-smiled, accepting the challenge.

"In your dreams." We selected our Pokemon for the battle, and with that the game started.


"No! Ack, now I'm close to fainting!" I growled in frustration, and Silver just smirked, selecting his Sneasel's next attack. My Pokemon, of course, was a Glaceon. I selected my next attack as well. We both chose Ice Beam, and we watched screen intently as the attacks met in the middle, creating a huge explosion. Both of our Pokemon had fainted. The words 'It's a tie!' crossed the screen, and I flopped onto my back dramatically.

The game had lasted almost an hour and a half.

"Wow. That was awesome!" I said, sitting back up and smiling brightly.

"It was pretty fun." Silver admitted. "But I probably should get home. My father wants me to be back before lunch."

"Alright." I got up and turned off the PokeStation, and we both left my room and headed downstairs. "So, are you going to come over tomorrow?"


"I hope so."

"Huh?" He almost seem confused.

"What? I don't have any friends. And I have fun when you come over." I grinned at him, and he slowly smiled back.

"Hey." My mom greeted us from the living room as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Hi." I replied. "Silver has to go home."

"Ok then." She glanced out the window, frowning slightly. "Is your dad going to pick you up?" Silver shook his head.

"I borrowed my Dad's Honchcrow." He said as he pulled on his coat and gloves.

"That's fine, then. Will we see you tomorrow?"

"...I think so."

"Bye." I waved as Silver pulled open the door and went outside.

"Bye." He waved back.

"It's nice that you've made a friend." My mom said, smiling.

"Yeah. It's awesome."

Glaceon the Human [Original Version] (Pokemon Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now