Chapter Twenty-Two

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I thought for a second. Maybe I could crush the flashdrive and freeze the Seviper... but if I was even a second off, Silver was dead. Besides, Giovanni would probably had a backup plan. I wasn't going to risk it.

I tossed the flashdrive in Giovanni's direction and he caught it.

"Now let him go." I growled.

"I never said I would let him go. I said I wouldn't kill him. No one is leaving until your powers are mine." Giovanni said.

"Fine! Just, fine! You can have them! You know what, I'm sick of you people screwing up my sad excuse of a life! Just take my powers and leave me alone!"

"Are you crazy?!" Silver shouted.

"Yeah, I am. I thought we already discussed this." I sighed. "Silver, I'm tired of running all the time. They can have my powers. Their plan will probably backfire anyway."

"If Team Rocket takes over the world because if this, I'm going to kill you." He muttered, and I cracked a weak smile.

"Ok, if it comes to it, you have dibs on killing me. Now let's just get this over with."

"Then follow me." Giovanni replied with a triumphant smirk, then turned and walked out of the room, still pushing Silver in front of him. I followed them out of the computer room and to a room which I knew was the room where a machine was. It only looked like a metal box on a wall, but I knew it had the ability to take my powers.

There were two grunts inside, and they straightened up as we entered.

"Ready the machine." Giovanni ordered, and they went right to it with a "yes, sir."

I stood by the machine while Giovanni and Silver moved to the other end of the room. It wasn't long before the grunts stopped fiddling with the machine and turned to face Giovanni.

"It's ready to go." One said.

"Then you know what to do now." He replied. They both nodded. One went over by the lever on the machine, and the other grabbed my wrist and pulled me over.

"YEEEEOOOOOW! YOU LITTLE TWERP!" Giovanni suddenly shouted. I turned to see Silver racing towards me and Giovanni clutching his stomach.

Silver grabbed my arm as he ran past, and I used Ice Beam on the arm of the Rocket grunt, and he let go of me. Silver let go again as we ran out the door and headed towards the window we had come in.

All of the sudden, the Seviper came flying over us and landed in front of the window. It hissed menacingly, daring us to come closer.

"Nice try, but you're not going to get away that easily." Giovanni growled behind us. "Now, just to make sure you don't try any more tricks... Seviper, Poison Tail!"

Before I could even think, the Seviper's tail began to glow purple, then it shot forward and slashed me right across the stomach.

I didn't even scream. I stared for a second, then my knees gave out and I fell down on my butt. I weakly pressed my hands over the cut, trying to stop the bleeding. My vision was getting blurry and my breath was coming out in gasps.

Then there were a pair if stronger hands on top of mine. I looked at Silver, who was kneeling beside me.

"You're an idiot." I mumbled.

"Not the time, right now we need to get you out of here." He snapped.

"No one is leaving until her powers are mine!" Giovanni announced once again. "Now come along, unless you want her to bleed out or die from the poison."

I felt Silver pick me up. I was barely conscious as we went back to the room and something was put around my wrist.

Suddenly, I felt as if my whole body was on fire, and I let out a scream before finally blacking out.


A/N: I'm not super happy with this chapter... Well, comment and tell me what you think. And be honest.

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