Chapter Eleven

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By noon the next day Gold had already beat the second gym leader, so we went to the cafe again for lunch. It was super nice and sunny day, so we sat outside. Just as we finished, a familiar red-headed boy raced by, nearly knocking me out of my chair. Before I could shout at him, the two Team Rocket grunts we had seen earlier ran by after him. Fortunately, they didn't see me.

"We have to help him." I said, pulling my hood up to hide my face and hair.

"Why? We don't even know him, and he could be a thief!" Gold replied.

"He's being chased by Team Rocket, that's why. I don't care if he's a thief or not." I got up out of my chair and Espeon and I ran after them. I followed them around town for awhile, until the Team Rocket grunts ended up cornering Silver in an alley. I hid around the corner of the building listened to what they were saying.

"We got you now, boy." One grunt said.

"Now come quietly, or else. We were given permission to use force if necessary." The other said.

"Come and get me." Silver growled. I had to admit, he was brave. I heard footsteps as the grunts advanced towards him, which is when I decided to jump in.

"Don't you dare touch him." I snarled, stepping out from behind the building and into the alley.

"Mind your own business, kid." The first grunt snapped, turning to me.

"Before you get hurt." The second added, reaching for a pokeball.

"I'll mind whoever's business I want. Espeon, use psychic!" I ordered. Espeon used the move on one grunt, and smashed him into the side wall and knocking him out.

"Now use psybeam!" The attack hit the other grunt, blowing him back into the wall, knocking him unconscious, too.

I went over to Silver, who was staring at me with surprise.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He snapped.

"Ok, ok, no need to get mad. I possibly just saved your life, so the least you could do is thank me."

"I could have handled them myself."

"I doubt that. They can be like ninjas when they really want to."

"Whatever." He squinted at me. "Have I seen you somewhere before? Your voice is familiar..."

Uh oh. "I don't think so. Stay away from Team Rocket, ok? I'm out." I turned and started to run back, but he grabbed my arm and pulled my hood down.

"You?!" I thought his eyes were going to explode.

"Yes, me. Is it really that big of a deal?"

"You're the girl they're looking for."

"How do you know that?" I asked suspiciously.

"They don't exactly talk quietly when they discuss plans." He rolled his eyes.


"Why are they after you?" He asked.

"That's non-"

"Gotcha!" One of the grunts suddenly popped up behind Silver and grabbed him, and the other grabbed me, twisting one arm painfully behind me.

"I told you, ninjas." I grunted struggling and trying to escape as they started pulling us out of the alley and to who-knows-where, but the grunt was pretty strong. There wasn't any moves Espeon could use that would help. I sighed. If I wanted escape, it was time to go to drastic measures.

I bit down on his arm, and he cried out. A thick layer of ice started to cover his arm, and within ten seconds he was completely covered. I slipped out of the frozen man's grip and ran over to the other grunt, who was attempting to drag Silver off. I leapt into his back and chomped down on his shoulder, causing him to scream in pain. Ice covered him, and Silver got out. I jumped off the ice man and looked at Silver.

"You wanna know why they're after me? Fine, I'll tell you. I have ice power like a Glaceon, which is, in fact, a pokemon. I technically just used ice fang. Team Rocket claims have a way to suck out my power, but I don't know what they want to do with it. They have been after me since I was a kid." I gave him a deadly glare. "You tell anyone, I will kill you."

Then, I took off running as fast as I could, with Espeon right behind me.


A/N: Yes, things are getting interesting!

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