Chapter Twenty

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"Glaceon, wake up, it's Gold." A voice said, waking me up.

"I'm up, I'm up. Give me sec." I mumbled, opening my eyes and sitting up. I shook Silver's shoulder, waking him up.

"Wakey, wakey!" I said in a peppy voice. "Time to melt you out of the giant ice cube!" He gave me a withering look as he sat up. "What?"

"You're way to weird for your own good." He said.

"You're way to grumpy for your own good." I countered. We both glared at each other for a half a second, then I stood up.

"So, what's the plan?" Gold asked.

"Well, what fire-type move does Quilava know that would work?" I asked, waving my hand towards the ice chunk. He thought for a second.

"Flamethrower is probably the best choice." A new voice said. I jumped, and looked around Gold to see a girl standing behind him. She had brown hair that was in pigtails and brown eyes, and was wearing a long sleeved red shirt, overalls, red shoes, and a white hat.

"Mind introducing your friend?" I asked.

"Oops, kinda forget she was there." Gold said. Silver and I simultaneous facepalmed. "This is my friend Lyra. I think I told you something about her one time."

"Oh, her. I remember now."

"Can you people stop chit chatting? I think I'm getting frostbite." Silver snapped, sounding irritated.

"Sorry. So, you said something about using flamethrower?" Lyra nodded.

"Yeah, Gold's Quilava knows flamethrower, and that's probably the best move to use to melt the ice fast without burning him." She said. Her voice was peppy and she talked a little faster than most people.

"Sounds good to me." I replied. Gold sent out his Quilava, and had him use flamethrower on the ice

It took several minutes, but finally the ice was melted enough so Silver could get his leg out.

"Alright, I think that's good." I said. "Silver, can you walk?"

He tried and failed to stand up, gasping with pain and slipping when he put weight on the leg that had been crushed. Fortunately I caught him by the arms before he fell on his face.

"I think your leg is broken." Gold said.

"Ok, thanks Captain Obvious." Silver said dryly. I sent out Espeon, and had her use psychic to levitate Silver.

"I still don't like this. If your Espeon drops me on my head, I'm going to kill you." Silver grumbled.

"She won't. Now, let's get out of this stupid cave." I said.


A/N: Lyra really isn't important, I just thought i should add her in there, so she probably won't do much. Also, the next chapter is going to get INTERESTING :DD

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