Chapter Fourteen

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After an extremely boring trip down route 38 and 39, I got to Olivine City. But since it was getting dark, I went to the pokemon center and rented a room for the night. After taking off my bag, gloves, shoes and jacket I climbed into my bed. Espeon jumped up and curled up by my feet.

"Well, this stinks." I mumbled aloud. "Stupid Team Rocket has to ruin everything. I miss Gold's company, even though he's annoying sometimes..."

Finally, I drifted off to sleep.


The next morning I decided to explore the town for a little while before moving on. I checked out the lighthouse, a cafe, where I got a coffee, a couple other places, and lastly, the gym.

As I walked past the gym, one of the people I didn't want to see came out- Silver. He stopped when he saw me.

"Hey, wait!" I turned to stride off, but he caught up to me and grabbed my arm.

"What?" I snapped, pulling my arm out of his grip.

"Look, I decided that I want to help you."

"With what?"

"Your Team Rocket problem."

"And how are you going to do that?"

"I've been listening in on Team Rocket's plans, and it sounds like they have a machine to take your powers, right?" Well, someone was some sort of ninja. I was somewhat suspicious, but I decided to trust the red-head.


"If we destroy it, you're pretty much safe from them." He explained.

"That's true... Plus I could steal their files on me." I shuddered. "They're such stalkers... Then I could just leave Johto. Poof!-- They'd hit a dead end."

"So... are you in?"

"Yes, yes I am." I still was a little suspitious of the redhead, though.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You just don't seem like the kind of person who would help someone for no reason." I said.

"I'm not." He replied flatly, scowling slightly. I arched my eyebrows. "I have my reasons."

I still didn't really trust him, but I was willing to do almost anything to possible finally get away from Team Rocket. If he was lying, I could get away, anyway.

"Alrighty then. Well, first we have to find their base. The next city is Cianwood City, and it's across the water... I don't have a water type... What about you?"

"I have a Feraligator, but it won't be able to carry us both."

"Hm. I have an idea."


a/n: yeah, Glaceon and Silver goin out to kick Team Rocket's butt!

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