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A few weeks later....


"Alright, Espeon, we're going home!" I told my pokemon as I returned her. I had decided to take a trip to Snowpoint City in the Sinnoh region, which was where I was born, and I was leaving today. Turns out my parents had a house there and left it to me in their will, which they had apparently made in case they ever got killed.

As I left my room of the pokemon center and handed the key back to the nurse, Silver came in.

"Hi Silver!" I said.

"Hey, just came to say goodbye." He replied. I hugged him tightly, planting a kiss on his lips, and as we pulled apart he pressed something into my hand.

"What's this?" I asked. It was a pokeball.

"A Pokemon I took from Team Rocket the day we broke in together. I think you'll like it. But I have to go if I'm going to get to Violet City at a decent time." Silver had decided to take the League Challenge, and was starting today, even though his Pokemon were so strong he was going to blow most of the gym leaders clear out of the water.

"Aw, thanks! Bye."

"Bye." With a quick wave he was gone. I went outside and found a good, big area where I would be able to send out Kyurem so I could leave for Sinnoh. But first...

I enlarged the pokeball and threw it up in the air, releasing the pokemon inside.

"Bi?" The little green pokemon tilted her head sideways as it hovered in the air, looking at me curiously while I gaped with surprise. It was a Celebi. A mythical pokemon! She blinked her blue eyes, then with a giggle landed on my head. I laughed, which made her giggle again. I smiled to myself and looked in the direction Silver had gone. He knew me so well.

"I'm going to have to put you back in your pokeball until we get to Sinnoh." I told her, tapping her lightly on the head with the pokeball. Celebi was sucked inside, and I shrunk the pokeball down and put it in my pocket, then pulled out Kyurem's pokeball and released it.

"Ready to go?" I asked as I climbed up on its back. Kyurem roared. "I'll take that as a yes. Up, up, and away!"

Kyurem soared up into the sky, and I watched the town shrink below us.

"Alright, Sinnoh, here we come!"


So what did you think?

I told you it was good.

And it's not over yet!



Please comment and vote!! I love getting them both!

Thanks to all my readers who read this whole book since I first started it, you're all awesome! I would give you cookies if I could! :3

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