Chapter Nine

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I woke up with a start, sitting up in my bed. I had had a nightmare that I was being chased down route 29 again. Espeon woke up and blinked at me sleepily. I looked at the clock on the nightstand-- it was five in the morning. I groaned loudly, cursing the fact that I would be exhausted later.

Since I was already feeling wide awake, I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. I pulled on my shoes, jacket, and backpack.

"You want to come on a walk with me?" I asked Espeon. She gave me her usual look that corresponded with my crazy questions, which clearly said, 'Are you kidding? No way.' then closed her eyes and went back to sleep. I left my room, locking the door behind me, and left the Pokemon center.

It was still pretty dark outside, and fairly cool. I walked a bit, until I came to a building, the Pokemon School. The sun was starting to come up, and I pulled myself up onto the roof and climbed up to the peak, then sat down. A startled Pidgey that was sitting on the roof flew away with a loud squawk. As the sun rose the sky turned a bright pink.

I always loved the sunrise, because it calmed my nerves.

"What in the world are you doing up there?!" A voice asked sharply. I looked down to see the red-haired boy, Silver, staring up at me, eyebrows raised in a look of disbelief.

"Oh, it's you again. And if you really have to know, I'm just relaxing." I replied.

"On a roof?"

"Yes, obviously."

He rolled his eyes. "You are weird."

"Why, because I like to sit on roofs?"

"That and your name. Isn't Glaceon a pokemon?"

"Wha... how do you know my... wait, I dropped my ID, didn't I?"

He just smirked, and I saw my card in his hand. I sighed and slid off the roof, landing lightly on my feet. I took my card from him and stuck it in my hoodie pocket, making sure to zip it shut.

"Well, I'll probably see you around." I said, heading back towards the Pokemon center.

"I seriously hope not..." Silver muttered, going the other direction.

I rolled my eyes. What a jerk. I walked into the Pokemon center. I went back to my room and settled myself on the bed, sitting down carefully so I didn't wake up Espeon.

I couldn't get rid of the strange feeling that I had met Silver before, but a long time ago. He just seemed somehow familiar. I searched my memories, but I couldn't come up with anything.

"Argh! Why can't I remember?" I exclaimed, getting frustrated. Espeon opened one eye and glanced at me.

Right then, there was a knock on my door.

"Glaceon? Are you awake?" It was Gold.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a second." I replied, standing up. Espeon got up and leapt off the bed. We both left the room then returned the key for the room to the nurse. Gold was waiting in the lobby with Marill.

"Ready to go?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"Of course! I can't wait to win my first gym badge!" Gold said, excitement clear in his voice. "Let's go!"

Glaceon the Human [Original Version] (Pokemon Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang