Chapter Sixteen

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After going back to Olivine City, we had to go back through route 39 and 38, then through Ecruteak City before heading down route 42, and finally to Mahogany Town. The trip was silent- neither of us said anything to each other.

Mahogany Town was really small, with only the gym, a pokemon center, a pokemart, and a few houses.

As we walked towards the gym, a guy suddenly stopped us.

"Hey, you two! Make sure to stay away from the Lake of Rage! There's a red Gyarados on a rampage there! It's already destroyed some house near the lake and the water is uncrossable. You could get yourselves killed." The man said before walking off.

Silver stared off into space for a minute, and I immediately got a bad feeling.

"I'm going to go catch that Gyarados."

"What? Are you crazy?! Didn't you hear what that guy said?" I exclaimed.

"It's super powerful and rare, I'm going to catch it." He replied. I sighed and facepalmed, seeing there was no way to change his mind. Stubborn jerk.

"You are nuts. But, I'm coming with you." He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, just don't get in the way." Shoving his hands in his jacket pockets, he started walking towards route 43.


"Are you kidding me?" I growled. about halfway to the lake it suddenly started pouring rain.

"Seriously?" I heard Silver mutter. I pulled my hood up, and fortunately, we finally got to the entrance to the lake. As we entered, we were met with total wreckage. There were remnants of houses everywhere, including in the lake, which was dark grey. The water was very rough looking. There weren't any people around.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked uncertainly as I stepped over the shattered remains of a door.

"Of course I am!" was the reply.

Silver and I went to the bank of the lake, and he sent out his Feraligator.

"Be careful, alright? Don't get yourself killed." I said.

"Why, do you actually care about what happens to me?" He sneered.

"Uh, yeah. If I didn't I wouldn't have said anything." And it was true. I almost considered him a friend, and I would feel guilty if he got hurt.

Looking a little startled at my reply, he jumped into the water with his pokemon right behind him. After climbing onto its back, they started swimming towards the center of the lake.

All of the sudden, a huge red shape burst out from under the surface of the water. It (obviously) was the red Gyarados!

I gasped with surprise. It was huge, and the thing could probably eat both of them whole!

I nervously watched as Silver attacked it with Feraligator. The Gyarados didn't fight back, but just roared loudly, glaring down at the pair.

Soon Silver pulled out a Pokeball, preparing to throw it.

But the Gyarados dove back underwater. I heard Silver curse.

Suddenly, a giant tail came out of the water and smashed down on Silver and Feraligator. When the tail disappeared, they were gone.


A/N: Mwahahahaha! The dreaded cliff hanger! I am so EVIL >:D

Pft, not really XD

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