Chapter Ten

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a/n: sorry it took so long to finish this chapter, I suddenly had a bunch of ideas for the future of this book I just had to write down.


Approximately a hour later, we left the gym. Gold had won the gym battle, so he and Marill were marching victoriously while I trudged along behind them with Espeon trotting in front of me. I may have felt wide awake when I woke up, but now I was tired.

"Can we go and get some coffee? I need some caffeine." I said. I love coffee, probably because I drink it a lot.

"Sounds good to me." Gold replied.

So, we stopped a cafe and got some coffee. As soon as we finished, we decided to go to the next town, Azalea Town. After going down route 32, we had to go through Union Cave.

"I hate caves..." I muttered as we entered.

"What's wrong with them?" Gold asked.

"They're almost impossible to navigate, plus caves are always full of Zubat and Golbat." I replied, ducking as a Zubat tried to dive bomb my head.

"Ok, I see your point."

We headed deeper into the cave, and finally, after a couple hours, we got out on route 33. And, of course, it was raining.

"That took way too long, and now it's raining. My day is not going so great." I sighed, covering my head with my arms. Espeon looked pretty irritated, while Marill was skipping around happily in the drizzle.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to take the wrong turn! It's really dark in there." Gold said, turning his hat around to shield his eyes from the rain.

"It's fine. Let's just get to Azalea Town so I can get another coffee."

We took off running towards town, and within a couple minutes it had turned into a race. Espeon and I easily kept ahead of Gold and Marill, since we were good runners from having to run from Team Rocket so many times. Plus, it wasn't long before the rain stopped, so I could stop covering my head.

But right outside the entrance to town I saw something that froze me in my tracks. Two Team Rocket grunts were talking to each other. I grabbed Espeon, yanked my hood up and ducked behind the nearest tree, praying they hadn't seen me. I listened closely to their conversation.

"Have you found any sign of them?" One man asked the other in a low voice.

"I didn't see anything of the boy, but I saw the girl in Violet City earlier. She's traveling with a boy, and they might already be here." The other replied.

"Oh, Arceus, they're after me again." I muttered under my breath.

"Keep looking for him, and I'll look for the girl." The first one said, and they both went into Azalea Town.

Right then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I let out a small shriek and whirled around, but it was just Gold.

"Arceus... you're fast..." He puffed, out of breath. Then he saw my expression.

"What happened? You look like you saw a ghost."

"I wish I had." I replied. I told him about what happened and what the grunts had said.

"Well, this is not good. But don't worry, If they try anything, my pokemon and I will stop them." He said determinedly. I smiled, rolling my eyes slightly.

"Thanks, Gold. But I wonder who else they're looking for."

He shrugged. "Maybe there's another person like you."

"It's possible, but I doubt it..." I replied, shaking my head. "Let's just go into town, but keep an eye out for those weirdos."

So, we went into Azalea Town and stopped at another cafe, and got something to eat. I got some coffee, too, which improved my mood.

The sky was soon dark, so we went to the pokemon center and rented rooms for the night.

I took a shower and changed into a clean tanktop and pair of jeans, which fortunately were dry since my backpack was waterproof. I laid my clothes, hoodie, gloves, and shoes out on the floor to dry and climbed into bed. Espeon laid down at the end of the bed and fell asleep, and I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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