Chapter Tweleve

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We ran the whole way back to the cafe. I went past Gold, got a coffee, then sat back down at the table, panting slightly.

"What in the world happened?" Gold asked as I sipped on my coffee.

"Something that is going to come back and bite me in the butt." I replied.

"Give me some details, please." He said. I told him everything that had happened. He already knew about my power, but we kept it a secret.

"This is not good." Gold muttered when I finished.

"Well, he's not going to give me away to Team Rocket, but still, he's almost a complete stranger." I sighed, finishing off my coffee.

"We probably ought to get moving to the next town. Maybe we can keep ahead of those two Team Rocket grunts since they'll be frozen for a while longer." Gold suggested.

"Sounds good to me. Where are we headed next?"

"Goldenrod City. We just have to go through Ilex Forest and route 34, and we'll be there." I froze when he said Ilex Forest.

"That's where I used to live before my parents were murdered." I mumbled, my mind threatening to show me memories I didn't want to see.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. We won't be anywhere near your old house." Gold said. He also knew about that.

"Good, or else I might have a meltdown." I said, relieved.

"Let's go, if you're ready."

"I'm ready."

So, we set off for the forest. It took a while to get through, but it wasn't as bad as going through Union Cave. It was a lot more enjoyable because it was outside and you could hear Pidgey chirping and the bug type pokemon moving through the grass and trees.

But I was still relieved to get out because I didn't want to remember some memories from my childhood that had taken place in the forest.

Finally, after traveling down route 34, we got to Goldenrod City. It was huge. There were apartment buildings, shops, the department store, and of course, the pokemon center.

Since it was only the middle of the afternoon, Gold decided to go and challenge the gym, so I went to the department store and got some berries.

I got to the pokemon center at about sunset, and I saw Gold going inside.

"Hey Gold!" I shouted, running up to him.

"Oh hey! What's up?" He replied as I caught up.

"Got some berries at the store. How'd your gym battle go?"

"Psht. She was easy."

"Then where's Marill?"


"She defeated Marill, didn't she?"


"Yes, she did."

"Ok, fine, she did."

"Dude, you don't have to lie. I'm not going to laugh at you or anything."

"Let's just go rent our rooms." Gold walked into the pokemon center, and Espeon and I followed. I rented a room, and Gold got Marill healed and rented a room, too.

"See you tomorrow." I said, heading to my room.

"See yah." He replied.


a/n: sorry this chapter is short, but the next chapter will be more exciting!

Glaceon the Human [Original Version] (Pokemon Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora