Chapter Two

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The next day I thumped down the stairs at noon, having heard the doorbell ring. It had to be my dad's coworker. When I got downstairs, my dad had already answered the door.

"Come in, it's cold outside." He said, opening the door wider. A tall man stepped into the house. Giovanni had pale skin and dark black hair. His eyes were silver, and scanned the room before turning to my father. He was somewhat intimidating.

"Thank you for allowing us to visit your home." Giovanni replied. I noticed he said 'us', then remembered my parents had said he had a son. Standing beside Giovanni was a boy who was a little bit taller than me. His shoulder length red hair was sprinkled with snowflakes, and his cold silver eyes matched his father's.

"It's not a problem. This is my wife, Lisa, and my daughter should be coming down right now..."

"I'm right here." I finally walked towards them, smiling politely.

"Ah, there she is. This is Glaceon." I stopped beside my dad. Giovanni looked me over.

"So this is the girl with the powers?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yep." I replied.

"This is my son, Silver." Giovanni introduced his son, who just huffed. Rude.

"Maybe you two could go play outside." My mom suggested, and I nodded, heading straight out the door since I didn't need a coat. Silver followed me out into the snow.

I decided to make a snowman, and started to roll some snow into a ball for the base.

"Aren't you cold?" Silver suddenly asked. I glanced down at my outfit, which was a blue t-shirt, shorts, and apparently I had forgotten my shoes. Meanwhile, he was in jeans, a black coat, and gloves along with black boots.

"Nope. I'm immune to the cold." I replied, continuing with my snowman. "You want to help me?"

"What are you doing?"

"Building a snowman." He looked unsure.

"Isn't that for little kids?"

"Not really. Hey, I may be thirteen, but I like having fun. C'mon!"


So, I finished up the huge bottom snowball while he started on the middle. We put the middle on top of the bottom, and together started on the head. But then we ran into a problem. We had made it too tall, and now were too short to get the head on.

"I... can almost reach it..." Silver grunted, holding the snowball above his head and reaching for the top. He wobbled unsteadily.

"Careful..." I stood on the other side of the unfinished snowman, watching.

"Got it!" He finally stretched high enough, and placed the head onto the snowman.

But he was leaning too far forward, and lost his balance, crashing right into the snowman and knocking it down-- right onto me. I shrieked as I was knocked over and buried by the snow. Silver landed on top of me.

"Agh, get off!" I yelled, and he immediately jumped to his feet, grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of the snow.

"Sorry." He mumbled, frowning.

"Eh, it's fine. That was fun, though." I smiled. "Let's back inside. My mom can make us hot chocolate."



After my mom made us both some hot coco, we sat on the couch in the living room and watched a battle show while we drank it.

"I wish I had a Pokemon." I said, staring at the screen and watching as an Umbreon shot a Shadow Ball attack at it's opponent's Haunter, knocking the ghost type Pokemon out.

"You don't have a Pokemon?" Silver asked, sounding surprised.

"No. Do you?"

"Yeah. I have a Sneasel."

"Cool!! Can I see?"


He finished his coco, and set the mug down on the end table beside the couch. Then he reached into the pocket of his dark blue jacket and pulled out a small red and white Poke Ball.

It was only about the size of a marble, until he pushed the button in the center, and it grew to the size of a baseball. I watched as he threw it into the air, and it snapped open, and a red beam of light shot out, and his Pokemon was released.

"Awesome!" I watched as the Sneasel glanced at me curiously before jumping up onto the couch beside Silver. "You're so lucky. My parents say I can't have one until I'm fourteen."

"You're lucky, too. I almost never get to go outside."

"Really? Why?" He shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Well, I didn't really get to before we moved here, because we lived in town. Now we live in the middle of nowhere."

"Silver, it's time to head home." Giovanni suddenly appeared in the doorway from the kitchen. Silver nodded, getting off the couch and returning his Sneasel.

"Can you come over tomorrow?" I asked.

"Maybe." He replied.


"Bye." I waved after him as they left, climbing into their black van and driving away. Soon my mom joined me in the living room.

"Did you have fun?" She asked, sitting beside me.

"Yes! Of course!" I smiled, already anticipating tomorrow.

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